Media release – Circular Economy Huon, 2 May 2024

Circular Economy Huon hosts two new public events

Malcolm Johnson, recently appointed to the new position of Climate Change Officer for the Huon Valley Council, has kindly agreed to join Circular Economy and guests, on Tuesday 14 May at 6pm in the Huon Valley Hub, to chat to us about his vision for a climate-resilient Huon Valley, and the related findings of his PhD.

Anyone wishing to join us to hear the presentation and join in the Q&A, expected to last for an hour, can register at The event is free and we’d love to meet new people who are keen to learn about ways that council and community can mitigate and adapt to a changing climate.

On a similar theme of climate-adaptation and resiliency, CEH is holding a Sustainable House Day in Cygnet on Sunday 9 June. Attendees will listen to an introductory presentation from a local expert, before visiting four houses and developments that have each adopted innovative solutions to our warming and more unpredictable climate.

The adaptations in each of these buildings, as well as creating very comfortable living conditions, have greatly reduced energy costs for their owners. Whether you are concerned about the rising costs of electricity and firewood, want to reduce your own carbon footprint, or improve your own home’s climate resiliency, this will be an interesting learning experience.

Tickets are priced at $20 each, which includes lunch and drinks courtesy of the Cygnet CWA. Numbers are limited, so book now at