To speak to your younger, more naive self in another, and teach them before they may repeat your mistakes will heal the...
The Lives of Sharks – A Natural History of Shark Life, by Daniel C Abel and R Dean Grubbs, is a hardback...
Eyes that happen to seduce – as only scorpionic eyes know how; cartographically performed, passionate, forlorn and fatalistic; Greenland melts – awash...
1. Torched They scorched the earth, every – living – thing; torched it to death while the registers sung. What were they...
Labor is red, Liberals are blue; Hey other options! I’m lusting for you … – Anon
‘Não quero que me prometas a lua e o firmamento, quero apenas que me digas que me tens no pensamento’, The moon...
I wrote this poem in response to The Monthly article ‘The Rotten Core’ by Nick Feik (Feb, 2024). The Cone of Silence...
Do not let the sun go down on your anger, nor the moon see your rage. Let not the rain see you...
Gentled ejection, choice honed by Hobson; Leave, live in garage. Join ranks of life-losers, the disposable date-expired. Loss of relationship, wounding....