First published August 24

From the Sydney Morning Herald …

‘On May 11, Victoria’s leading criminal barrister, Robert Richter QC, met with Tasmania’s Premier, Will Hodgman and handed him a confidential dossier known as the ‘white paper’

‘The explosive file revealed that a potential teenage witness to one of Tasmania’s most notorious crimes had signed a statutory declaration which casts doubt on the conviction of a woman who has spent the past seven years behind bars for her partner’s murder.

‘Mr Richter’s white paper suggests Chappell was killed when he disturbed a homeless girl and other vagrants, who had boarded the Four Winds planning to steal from it. The dossier names two men with extensive criminal records who may be involved in the murder.

‘Hodgman and Groom declined to read the white paper but agreed that Solicitor-general Michael O’Farrell SC should review it. Richter flew back to Melbourne and waited for a reaction.

‘It came this month, although not in the manner Richter expected.

‘Witnesses named in the white paper who helped compile or corroborate aspects of a homeless girl’s statement – her associate Karen Keefe, a lawyer Jeff Thompson, and another man who must remain anonymous, Witness X – have all been arrested by Tasmanian police and charged with perverting the course of justice.’

For the complete news article please read the Sydney Morning Herald article HERE

Also see HERE

*Dr Peter Lozo is a researcher and a consultant in the field of neural models of visual perception and object recognition. He is a former Dept of Defence scientist at Defence Science and Technology (DST) Group, South Australia. During his defence career he has worked on servo-control systems, microprocessor based design, digital image processing, automatic target recognition, land robotics, and computational modelling of neural network models/circuits for object recognition and visual perception. He has a BSc (majoring in Physics) and a PhD (on the modelling of selective visual attention and object recognition) from the University of Adelaide. He has held an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow position at the University of South Australia, and has contributed to the supervision of postgraduate engineering students there and at the University of Adelaide. Peter has a hobby of researching cases that are believed to be a miscarriage of justice. He has contributed to TT comments on the Susan Neill-Fraser case since April 2015.

Examiner: New Neill-Fraser appeal set for October 30

ABC: Sue Neill-Fraser: Karen Keefe pleads not guilty to perverting course of justice

The Age: Death on the Derwent: in search of the truth In the gardens of a Hobart prison, away from the cinder blocks and corrugated iron and the prying of guards and inmates, an alleged plan to free murderer Sue Neill-Fraser was born. As she wandered between the raised beds last November, police suspect Neill-Fraser spoke to a fellow inmate. The suspected contents of these conversations would, months later, lead to one of the most controversial Tasmanian police investigations in recent history …

Mercury: The appeal of Sue Neill-Fraser’s murder conviction puts the Tasmanian legal system on trial

Matthew Denholm, The Australian: Bob Chappell mystery: conspiracies collide in case that won’t die

Mercury: New person interviewed by detectives in connection to appeal over Bob Chappell death