The memoirs of Major-General Robert Harley Wordsworth, Last of the Cavalrymen, were launched yesterday (Tuesday, 23 April) at the Tasmanian Army Museum to coincide with ANZAC Day.

The book, co-edited by Wordsworth’s descendants Ana and Charlotte Scarf, tells the story of his military career, which spanned both World Wars.

He began as a junior officer in the 1st Light Horse Regiment at Gallipoli, Sinai, and Palestine during WWI before transferring to the Indian Army. He spent a total of 25 years in the rarefied world of the British Raj, playing polo, fishing, and hunting game with maharajas and other royalty.

Ana Scarf in conversation with UTas emeritus professor Stefan Petrow at the launch.

Wordsworth rose through the ranks to Major-General, and was placed in command of the 1st Armoured Division in the Middle East in WWII.

After retiring from the military and returning to Australia, he forged a career in public service as a Senator for Tasmania and as an Administrator of Norfolk Island.

He attributed much of his success to his sporting prowess, bravado, and a great deal of luck – all of which enabled him to live a grand life at the height of the British Empire.

Before he passed away in 1984, Wordsworth – known as ‘Wordy’ to his friends and family – dictated his life experiences into a tape recorder. Last of the Cavalrymen is a compilation of transcriptions of these recordings. Ana and Charlotte Scarf have organised, edited, and supplemented them with images and explanatory footnotes.

Wordsworth was a great storyteller, and his memoirs are an entertaining read. They paint a picture of a decent man of service who grasped opportunities when they came his way.

Last of the Cavalrymen is published locally by Forty South Publishing, RRP $49.95.

Callum J. Jones studied English, History, and Journalism at the University of Tasmania. He has written fiction and non-fiction for Tasmanian Times since 2018. He can be traced by the smell of fresh coffee.

Follow him on Twitter (@Callum_Jones_10) and Facebook (@callum.j.jones.creative).