Media release – Peter George, independent candidate for Franklin, 19 January 2025

The independent campaign to unseat Labor minister, Julie Collins, has kicked off in Bellerive, on Hobart’s eastern shore, this weekend with more than 120 supporters signing up to the campaign.

Former ABC foreign correspondent and Four Corners reporter, Peter George, says 17 years of Labor under Julie Collins has done nothing for the Tasmanian Federal electorate of Franklin suffering a housing crisis, rising costs of living, struggling health system and an environmental mess.

Mr George, who started his ABC career in Hobart, has been a leading advocate for forcing a change in the polluting practices of multinational salmon producers operating in Tasmania’s rivers and coastal waters.

In his speech, Mr George said both the major political parties needed to be held to account for selling off Tasmania to corporates at the expense of Tasmanians.

“What’s lacking in both Liberal and Labor today is honesty, openness and accountability which is what independents can bring when they represent their electorates, not corporate greed.

“Tasmanians deserve better.”

Prominent Tasmanians including global prize winning author, Richard Flanagan, actor Essie Davis and State independent, MP and fisher, Craig Garland spoke in support at the campaign launch.

Speech extract

Bellerive Yacht Club, Bellerive, Greater Hobart

(Full speech on request)

“If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different –  and better outcome – then now’s the time to end the insanity.

And I believe … if fact I know … we’re ready to do just that.

Like many Tasmanians …. I am sick of seeing our beautiful island, our people, and our way of life being sold off to big business by both Labor and Liberal politicians. 

I am fed up with Labor and Liberal politicians bullying Tasmanians who have the courage to stand up for our state. 

And I am angry at how easily big business can take whatever it wants from Tasmania—regardless of the damage—while Labor and Liberal politicians act as enforcers of corporate greed, silencing anyone who dares to question their motives.

Tasmanians deserve better.

As a leader in the fight against destructive salmon farming practices, I’m tired of seeing genuine community concerns dismissed and growing outrage ignored by out-of-touch politicians. 

As Minister for fisheries, Julie Collins is unwavering in support for multinational salmon barons invading the Tasmanian waters we love. Her endorsement of monstrous new salmon pens in North Storm Bay threatens to devastate our waterways and beaches—from Opossum Bay to Lewisham and all the way to the Tasman Peninsula.

Under her Julie Collin’s watch as Labor’s  forestry minister, an extra 39 thousand hectares of native Tasmanian forests are going to be destroyed. who’s going to let another 40,000 hectares  of native forests to be destroyed wants thousands more hectares of native forests destroyed.

Under her watch as housing minister, the housing crisis just grew ever more dire here in Franklin and around the state.

When real problems demand real action, these politicians do nothing. 

Franklin deserves better.

After 17 years of Julie Collins and Labor, Franklin needs change.