Media release – Relationships Australia Tasmania (RA Tas), 3 December 2024
Neighbours Every Day Grants Now Open
Relationships Australia Tasmania (RA Tas) and Healthy Tasmania have once again joined forces to launch the 2025 Neighbours Every Day community grants. This initiative invites Tasmanian communities to apply for grants of up to $1500 to support neighbourly activities that increase social connections and reduce loneliness.
Neighbours Every Day is a year-round campaign designed to encourage Tasmanians to build connected communities and to reduce loneliness.
The campaign’s National Day of Action will be held on Sunday, 30th March 2025 — Neighbour Day.
“With 1 in 5 Australians experiencing loneliness, it is crucial that we continue to build strong, inclusive and connected communities” RA Tas CEO Dr Michael Kelly said.
“The grants support a wide range of neighbourly activities. This year we’ve seen grantees host parties in the park, community picnics, community barbeques, and high teas – all with the shared vision of increasing social connections and reducing loneliness.
“Whether through a cuppa, a picnic in the park, a message of support, or a simple act of friendship, connection is something we should all strive for.
“The Neighbours Every Day initiative is a small step toward a much larger movement—one that encourages everyone to look out for each other and build a sense of belonging for all.”
This year, over 50 projects received just under $60,000 in funding from Healthy Tasmania.
“I would like to thank Relationships Australia Tasmania and Healthy Tasmania for funding my small but powerful project. It has grown so much over the past year, and I am so proud of all that it has achieved. I have been engaged by Centacare Evolve Housing to create 500 seed packets for them to distribute to all their new onboarding tenants. I hope to continue this project ongoing and growing a love for gardening around the Brighton community.”
Grant Recipient – Seed For a Feed
“The success of our events was evident in the enthusiastic participation and positive feedback from attendees. By nurturing this engagement, we aim to create a platform that fosters ongoing learning, community collaboration, and a deeper appreciation for diverse culinary traditions. Together, we look forward to continuing to build upon the momentum and enthusiasm generated by our events to further promote healthy living and cultural exchange within our community. Thank you for your support to make this happen.”
Grant Recipient – Love Thy Neighbour
“I wanted to say how much your grant is appreciated – through funds such as those provided, we can provide an opportunity for the community that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford as we do not have funding and only limited funds. The feedback that we have received has been very positive and a lot of the community have popped in next year’s Neighbours Every Day event in their calendar so that they don’t miss out”
Grant Recipient – Neighbourhood Connections through Vegetable Gardens
Applications for grants are open and close at 4pm February 7, 2025. For more information on the grants and how to apply visit: