Joint Statement – various groups, 11 December 2024

Protect Lutruwita / Tasmania’s Forests

Location of 39,000ha of high conservation value forest potentially being handed over to Tassie loggers revealed

The Rockliff Government is attempting to open the door for destructive logging operations into large tracts of forest in spectacular settings all over Tasmania. Forests that were promised protection and are now imminently threatened include ‘lots’ at Ben Lomond, Pyengana, Mt Arthur, Mt Barrow, Mt Victoria, South Sister, and St Patricks River catchment in the north east, and Detention River catchment and Leven Canyon Catchment in the north west.

Documents obtained via ‘Right to Information’ (RTI) have revealed that in 2022, the Tasmanian Government and Forestry Tasmania discussed the transfer of high conservation value forests for transfer to the Permanent Timber Production Zone.

During this year’s election, this intention was echoed by the Liberal party in an election promise to deliver 39,000ha of forest to loggers.

Analysis of these 27 parcels of forest have shown that 88% to be destroyed is over 80 years in age. They are also home to a variety of iconic threatened species such as the Tasmanian devil, wedge-tailed eagle, giant freshwater crayfish and swift parrot. Areas slated for logging are also located in critical water catchments for local communities.

Communities worked tirelessly to have these forests protected, and now significant portions could be handed over to the logging industry without consultation. The Australian public has paid $121 million to industry in exchange for their commitment to spare these areas from logging. Yet the Government is moving to open 39,000ha back up.

While Uncle Jim Everett – puralia meenamatta is being arrested for protecting forests, the Tasmanian Government is making plans to open up his homelands in meenamatta country for logging.

Further, the RTI documents show that there are multiple known Aboriginal heritage sites located within the 27 lots. We echo Uncle Jim in calling for the recognition of First Nations ‘Law in Country’.

At a time where we are facing dual climate and biodiversity crises, protecting forests is a key solution. Other states have already exited native forest logging – Tasmania must also protect all native forests.  It’s not the time to be opening more forests for ongoing destruction.

We collectively call on the Rockliff Government to permanently protect these areas, as was promised over a decade ago.


  • Protectors of Country: Uncle Jim Everett – puralia meenamatta & Ruth Langford
  • The Wilderness Society Tasmania
  • Australia Institute Tasmania
  • BirdLife Australia
  • Blue Derby Wild
  • Bob Brown Foundation
  • Environment Tasmania
  • Friends of Jackeys Marsh
  • Friends of the Blue Tier
  • Grassroots Action Network Tasmania
  • Hands Off Quamby Bluff
  • Nayri Niara
  • Protect Our North West Forests
  • Tasmania Climate Collective
  • Tasmanian Conservation Trust
  • The Tree Projects