Media release – Bob Brown Foundation, 26 September 2024

BBF condemns law change for destruction, calls for Robbins Island protectorate for devils

“It is outrageous that the Commonwealth is deferring to the Tasmanian government’s bid to retrospectively change the law. Tasmania’s coast is being sacrificed for a foreign developer and the federal Minister for the Environment is not taking a stand but is happy to stretch timelines to accommodate the developer and the Tasmanian government’s bid to change the law,” Bob Brown patron Christine Milne said today,

“The community has to abide by the law and by EPBC timelines but governments do not. Is it any wonder that the Tasmanian community has no faith in either the Tasmanian or Federal Government when it comes to protecting our wildlife and landscapes?”

Meanwhile, the foundation is backing a local call for Robbins Island to be made an actively-protected Tasmanian devil habitat. Long-time devil assessor Alice Carson says that the adjacent northwest coast population of Tasmanian devils has now been decimated by tumour disease, road kills and the ongoing loss of woodland habitat. That leaves Robbins Island as the only disease-free natural stronghold for the critically endangered species.

“This is a unique opportunity for the federal minister Tanya Plibersek to protect a last disease-free fortress for the several hundred healthy devils on the island. It is an opportunity of global significance in this age of accelerating extinction,” Bob Brown said.