Media release – Andrew Jenkins, CEO Tasracing, 22 August 2024

North-West Coast racing facilities update

Tasracing will undertake due diligence work on the construction of a greyhound racetrack on the infield of the L___s All-Weather Spreyton site to support training as well as race events.

In parallel, Tasracing will explore enhancing harness training facilities at the existing north west coast- private property currently leased for that purpose.

Tasracing is committed to working with the racing industry to deliver a solution for north-west coast harness and greyhound racing participants following the closure in 2022 of the Devonport Showgrounds tracks.

In line with the Tasmanian Government’s election commitment, Tasracing will prepare a business case in support of the training aspects of both initiatives to provide to the Government as soon as practical.

The decisions were taken after the Tasracing Board endorsed a recommendation to not pursue a Development Application for greyhound and harness training or racing tracks at a Mill Road location near the Devonport Airport.

As announced previously, significant project cost increases had made the proposed development at Mill Road unaffordable and it would no longer proceed.

Further, uncertainties in relation to a Planning Appeal process present unreasonable risk of delay – without certainty of a favourable outcome.

A doubling in estimated cost of construction, coupled with the complex and uncertain planning appeal process, has rendered the Mill Rd site no longer viable.

Tasracing has a responsibility to the three racing codes in all regions. The expected investment required to build two new racetracks on the north west coast is simply not achievable.

Tasracing appreciate the disappointment of harness stakeholders and participants on the coast in relation to racing facilities.

We will continue to consult with industry participants in relation to the enhancement of harness training facilities at the existing leased location.

Consultation has also commenced with the Devonport Racing Club and thoroughbred participants regarding safe, shared access to the Spreyton site should a greyhound racetrack at the location be determined as feasible.

Media release – Luke Edmunds MLC, Shadow Minister for Racing, 22 August 2024

Howlett, Rockliff MIA as North-West track abandoned

Jeremy Rockliff and Jane Howlett said that north-west harness and greyhounds would get a new track when they left the Devonport Showgrounds in 2022, and they have failed north-west racing participants today.

They have broken their promises and abandoned participants.

The end of racing at the Showgrounds 2022 was a Liberal decision – they announced it. It was not an uncontrollable event.

With TasRacing CEO Andrew Jenkins left to announce today’s bad news for the north-west, it begs the question – where is the Minister and where is the Premier?

It’s devastating news for the hundreds of jobs, small businesses and regional communities on the north-west coast supported by the racing industry. The Liberals promised to provide a future for greyhound and harness racing on the coast, but they have broken another promise and Jeremy Rockliff has betrayed his constituents.

Media release – Animal Liberation Tasmania, 23 August 2024


Animal Liberation Tasmania welcomes the news today that the proposed NW racing track has been officially abandoned, with focus now turned to upgrading existing facilities.

This result is mostly due to the work of an individual person, who chose to challenge government-backed Tasracing to the benefit of her community. Her work has shown the value of community organising and grassroots action to oppose those plans made by government and government entities to the benefit of oppressive and exploitative industries.

The proposed NW dual purpose greyhound and harness racing track came with the gross expectation that, yet again, the Tasmanian taxpayer would pay out to fund an industry built upon the exploitation and suffering of dogs and horses. As costs blew out, the proposal was also a slap in the face to those people struggling under a housing, health, and education crisis, with the cost of simply living increasing every single day.

Tasracing has stated that it will be preparing a business case to present to Government regarding the two initiatives announced to replace the NW track proposal. Given that 79% of Tasmanians oppose the government funding of the greyhound racing industry (EMRS state-wide poll, October 2023), and in light of the scandals which continually beset the dog and horse racing industries, it would be foolish of the incumbent government to contribute a single red cent to any plans provided.

Media release – Cassy O’Connor MLC, Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson, 23 August 2024

TasRacing Cancellation of New Devonport Track Good News for Hounds

TasRacing and the Rockliff Government have wisely walked away from spending tens of millions of dollars on a new greyhound racetrack in Devonport.

Sentient animals still suffer every day as a result of this irredeemably cruel industry, but this decision is a sign of an industry in decline and ultimately good news for greyhounds.

On behalf of the Greens, I warmly thank the local community members who fought this development hard and won. That takes real courage and commitment.

There was never any justification for spending $40million or more on a new track to perpetuate animal cruelty, just as there’s no meaningful justification for government to keep subsidising this cruel, increasingly unpopular industry.

Two weeks ago, the Greens tabled our first Legislative Council petition. It was signed by more than 3600 Tasmanians who acknowledge the horrific rate of on and off track injuries and euthanasia, and want Parliament to examine the Deed which subsidises the industry.

Cancellation of the Devonport track plans is just one more nail in the casket of a dying industry.

Greyhound lovers, animal welfare organisations, the Greens and committed independents will keep up the fight to end greyhound racing.