Tasmania’s young and/or emerging leaders are being given the chance to attend an educational tour through some of Victoria’s most successful tourism regions.

If selected, you will travel through the regions of Geelong, Mornington and Bellarine to experience unique and authentic products and experiences, learn first-hand from their operators about what makes them a success, and learn about the state’s broader vision for tourism.

Across four nights and three days in April 2025, you will:

  • Travel through the regions of Geelong, Bellarine and Mornington, to experience products, attractions and experiences and have face to face interactions and learning opportunities with emerging and seasoned tourism operators.
  • Meet with the Victorian Tourism Industry Council and learn how the regions form part of the state’s tourism strategy.
  • Network and travel with other young and/or emerging leaders within Tasmania’s tourism industry.
  • Compile your learnings and common themes to bring back to Tasmania to share with your employer/business and present them to Tasmania’s tourism leaders for further development.

The Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania is also encouraging employers to support their young and/or emerging leaders to submit an EOI. There are some co-contribution requirements from employers.

To find out more information on who is eligible and to submit an EOI, please visit the TICT website by clicking here or the button below. The EOI period will close on Friday 29 November 2024.