Media release – Tasmanian Heritage Council, 16 August 2023
Today, the Tasmanian Heritage Council met to consider the City of Hobart’s discretionary permit application to remove the statue of Dr William Crowther from Franklin Square in Hobart. As Franklin Square is a place entered in the Tasmanian Heritage Register, the proposed works required the approval of the Heritage Council.
The Heritage Council in its deliberation noted the significant interest in the application and the divergence of community views. To make its determination on discretionary permits, the Heritage Council considers the historic cultural heritage significance of the place – in this case, the whole of Franklin Square.
In accordance with the Historic Cultural Heritage Act 1995 the Heritage Council, after careful deliberation, has determined by majority decision, that the impacts on the historic cultural significance of the Franklin Square that would result from removal the statue are acceptable. The Heritage Council has therefore given consent for a permit to be issued.
The final decision on issuing a planning permit and undertaking the works remains a matter for the City of Hobart. To minimise the impacts arising from the statue’s removal, the Heritage Council has applied several conditions relating to the removal and storage of the statue, and the conservation and maintenance of the plinth that remains. The conditions provide protections for the statue and the remaining heritage fabric of Franklin Square.