Media release – Felix Ellis, Minister for Resources 9 July 2023

Protecting Tasmanian forestry from impacts of Labor’s Victoria lock-ups

Our Government’s support for Tasmanian forestry and forestry workers has been rock solid and will continue.

Minister for Resources, Felix Ellis, said Labor’s decision to end native forestry in Victoria virtually overnight poses a significant challenge for Tasmania, even with our strong Buy Local Policy.

“We are not here to fix Dan Andrews’ stuff-ups and we are committed to backing in local forestry jobs. Desperate people interstate have been let down by another anti-forestry Labor Government.

“While the contract reported in recent media was signed by STT at arm’s length from Government, we are already seeking advice around how we can best support Tasmanian forestry from the fallout of Victorian Labor’s catastrophic decision.

““Tasmanian Labor’s silence, followed by their hypocrisy, in the face of this extraordinary decision has been telling.

“This Liberal Government has demonstrated our commitment to local industry by creating the Buy Local Policy to ensure the value of Tasmanian businesses is recognised when awarding tenders, so that we give local suppliers every opportunity to create jobs to grow Tasmania’s economy.

“Our focus has always been on growing the Tasmanian timber industry. This is why jobs, investment and confidence in the sector are all up under a Liberal Government.”

The Tasmanian Liberal Government will continue to support our world-class sustainable forestry industry and the many Tasmanian families it supports.

Media release – Independent Member for Lyons, John Tucker MP, 11 July 2023


The Tasmanian Timber Industry is facing a dire crisis while the ineptitude of Minister and the Tasmanian Government become increasingly apparent. Independent Member for Lyons, John Tucker, MP, has sounded the alarm, highlighting the damaging actions of the Victorian Government and the lacklustre response from Tasmania.

Speaking about the crisis, Mr Tucker said: “While we acknowledge and support the beneficial collaboration between Victorian and Tasmanian companies, which creates jobs and bolsters the local economy, we vehemently condemn the underhanded tactics being employed by Victorian companies, in collaboration with the Tasmanian government owned entity, Sustainable Timbers Tasmania.”

“These companies, bolstered by close to one billion dollars paid to them by the Victorian government to stop logging their own forests, are wreaking havoc on Tasmanian contractors. Fuelled by the funds they have already secured, thanks to Dan Andrews and Victorian taxpayers, they are engaging in predatory pricing, undercutting Tasmanian businesses, and forcing them out of operation,” Mr Tucker said.

“It is a well-known fact that Dan Andrews’ mismanagement has already inflicted severe harm on the Victorian timber industry. Regrettably, it appears that the disastrous consequences of his decisions are now poised to impact Tasmania’s timber industry as well; and what has the Rockliff minority government and Minister Ellis done to address this critical issue? Absolutely nothing. In fact, they are encouraging the demise of our forestry sector by allowing Victorian loggers to use our timber resources to maintain their businesses and profits.

“The inept response of Minister Ellis is not only disheartening but also a stark display of incompetence. While six precious weeks slipped away, from my first question in parliament on May 31, 2023, until today, government inaction has afforded Victorian companies the time to undercut Tasmanian competitors and jeopardise an entire industry. Such a lackadaisical approach is unacceptable, especially considering the significant impact it has on the livelihoods of hardworking Tasmanians.

“Let us not forget that the forestry sector contributes a staggering $1.2 billion to the Tasmanian economy. It is an industry that should be nurtured, protected, and supported with unwavering dedication. However, the current administration has failed to provide the necessary assurances and protections, even after Minister Ellis made his statement in parliament on May 31, 2023, where he claimed to be committed to securing Tasmanian jobs and ensuring timber supply.

“Regrettably, these assurances have proven empty, and the industry has received no semblance of certainty since the disastrous decision made by the Victorian Government. It took an extended period of time for the Minister to acknowledge the gravity of his inaction. Only after it became glaringly obvious that his failures had consequences, has he recognised the situation. In correspondence to me, Minister Ellis reluctantly acknowledged: “Labor’s decision to end native forestry in Victoria virtually overnight poses a significant challenge for Tasmania, even with our strong Buy Local Policy.

“One supplier succinctly summed up the situation, criticising Minister Ellis for awarding a contract to a mainland company, which severely diminished opportunities for Tasmanian companies and jeopardising countless jobs and the industry as a whole. The supplier highlighted the lack of transparency and flawed evaluation procedures in the tender process, raising legitimate concerns about the Minister’s failure to uphold the Buy Local Policy.

“An almost identical situation is developing for Tasmanian sawmills that employ many Tasmanians in regional areas of the State. I have brought this to the attention of Minister Ellis and the Premier and the response has been appallingly inefficient. It appears as if STT is pulling the strings and Minister Ellis is their puppet. I will not stand by and see Minister Ellis and STT destroy Tasmanian businesses and jobs.

“Minister Ellis’ inaction and contradictory statements are at odds with his media release from December 2022, where he lauded the Tasmanian Liberal Government as the biggest supporter of the sustainable timber industry. He highlighted the industry’s profitability, job creation, and its vital role in building a sustainable future for Tasmania. However, the Minister’s recent actions contradict his previous claims, exposing a lack of consistency and any genuine commitment to the industry.

“The Tasmanian Government must immediately overturn the recently completed tender, address the flaws in the tender process and void any existing contracts that do not adhere to the Buy Local Policy. Furthermore, mainland companies must be subject to a per tonne royalty on every shipment of Tasmanian timber, similar to the mining industry, to ensure fair competition and protect the interests of local businesses.

“Rumours are circulating that the Premier is contemplating a cabinet reshuffle. Given the incompetence displayed by Minister Ellis, and the utter disregard shown for the forestry industry, it is not difficult to understand why he is considering a reshuffle.

“The time for empty promises and ineffective policies is over. The timber industry is not just about economics; it is about the livelihoods and well-being of countless Tasmanian families. It is time for Minister Ellis and the Tasmanian Government to set aside political divisions and truly work together to safeguard the future of this vital industry,” Mr Tucker said.

Media release – Dean Winter MP, Labor Member for Franklin, 12 July 2023

Felix failing foresters

The recently exposed failings of the Liberal Government’s “Buy Local” policy relating to forestry fall squarely at the feet of Minister Felix Ellis.

When responding to a question about the shutdown of native forestry in Victoria in late May, Minister Ellis said “we are looking forward to bringing those people down here to bolster our capability and supply.”

Despite pretending to be blindsided, it looks like he’s actually been planning an assault on local forestry jobs for months.

Minister Ellis needs to explain why the local benefits test was absent in the tender process that Bennett’s and its local subcontractors missed out on.

Did he remove it as part of his plan he foreshadowed in late May?

Felix Ellis’ recent and growing list of failures have him looking like the new Michael Ferguson, who must be teaching the rookie minister the special skill of ruining everything he touches.

Media release – Bob Brown Foundation, 12 July 2023

A fundamental lie will end Tasmanian native forest logging: Brown

The fundamental lie, so publicly obvious, that flattening and incinerating native forests is ‘environmentally sustainable’, was repeated today by Tasmanian minister Felix Ellis. “Any school child looking at a picture of a napalm-fuelled post-logging burn will tell you that is total destruction and an environmental disaster. Claiming otherwise will also not pass the ACCC’s test for greenwash,” Bob Brown said.

“The end of native forest destruction in Tasmania will follow that on the mainland or the Rockliff government, including Ellis, are asking for the eyes of 26 million Australians to focus in on the environmental ruin of our forests and wildlife for however agonisingly long it takes. The lie of environmental sustainability will simply raise their opposition.”

Most jobs and commerce from logging in Tasmania these days is in plantation forestry and that trend will grow rapidly, Brown said.

Media release – Rebecca White MP, Tasmanian Labor Leader, 14 July 2023

Tasmanian saw mills at risk because of incompetent Minister Felix Ellis

I was pleased to meet with a delegation of saw mill operators and forest industry leaders today, but disturbed as they outlined their grave concerns for the future of their businesses and industry under Minister Felix Ellis and the minority Liberal Government.

There is a real fear that the Minister and Sustainable Timbers Tasmania are preparing to award a major plantation sawlog contract to a mainland saw miller.

They plan to do this by bringing forward sales of plantation sawlogs that saw millers had previously been assured would form part of their resource security from 2027 when the amount of native timber sawlog production reduces by more than half.

The saw millers supported the RFA and the TFA reduction in native sawlog supply based on the promise of the plantation resource being made available to them in 2027.

If Minister Ellis and the Liberals are allowed to sell off the plantation resource to a mainland saw miller, then intergenerational businesses will be forced to reduce jobs or even close. We have seen the consequences of the government’s failure to put Tasmanian businesses first with the recent decision award a contract to a mainland company over local company Bennett’s.

I will be writing to independents John Tucker and Lara Alexander seeking their support for a Tasmania first forestry policy. The Parliament must be clear in its desire to protect Tasmanian regional jobs and businesses – even if the government is not. I note this is exactly what saw millers have asked Premier Jeremy Rockliff to do in a recent letter to him.

Saw millers have told us that the Government and STT are demanding price increases of between 25 and 35 per cent. Increases that can’t be absorbed by the mills and will therefore have to be passed onto customers. This means the cost of housing will go up for Tasmanian families.

Bennett’s was the thin edge of the wedge. It shows that STT and Minister Ellis are prepared to watch as jobs in our world-leading forestry sector are shipped off to Victoria rather than putting Tasmania first.