Media release – Dr Mark Veitch, Director of Public Health, 27 May 2021

Victoria declared a high-risk area

Following the decision in Victoria to implement a statewide lockdown following further COVID-19 cases, the Tasmanian Director of Public Health has declared the entire state of Victoria to be a high-risk area, effective from 2pm today.

Anyone intending to travel to Tasmania from Victoria, will not be permitted to enter the State unless approved as an Essential Traveller.

Any affected travellers will need to apply to the Deputy State Controller to enter the state after 2pm via the G2G PASS system. If allowed to enter they will be required to quarantine for 14 days and be tested in the first few days and last few days of this period. Hotel quarantine fees may apply. Essential Workers will have additional requirements.

Tasmanian residents can apply for Essential Traveller status to return home but if approved they will be required to quarantine at a suitable premises on arrival for 14 days.

If a suitable premises is not available, they will be required to quarantine in Government-designated accommodation at their own cost.

Anyone who arrives before the declaration takes effect at 2pm today will be allowed to enter Tasmania, as long as they have not been in the Whittlesea local government area or any of the declared high-risk premises in Victoria that have been visited by COVID-19 cases.

Tasmanian health authorities will continue monitoring the situation in Victoria. The time that Victoria remains a high risk area will depend upon the evolving situation in that state.

There are now a large number of premises deemed to be high risk in relation to the Victorian outbreak. A list of these premises is at Anyone who has recently been in Victoria is reminded to monitor this list to check if they have been at any of these premises. This list is updated regularly.

If anyone currently in Tasmania has been at any of these high-risk premises at the specified dates and times, they should immediately self-isolate and contact the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738 to organise testing. These people need to remain in isolation until advised by Public Health Services.

Visit for the latest Tasmanian information.

People currently in Tasmania who have been in Victoria, but were not at any of the high-risk premises at the specified dates and times, or in the City of Whittlesea LGA since 6 May, do not need to isolate or contact the Public Health Hotline unless they develop symptoms.

Anyone who has been in Victoria since 6 May and who is now in Tasmania should monitor themselves for any symptoms. If they develop any cold or flu symptoms, they should immediately isolate and get tested for COVID-19.

If you have any cold or flu symptoms, even mild, contact the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738 to arrange a test.