Media release – Peter Gutwein, Premier, 2 October 2020

Continuing our plan to ease border restrictions

Keeping Tasmanians safe has been our number one priority during the COVID-19 pandemic and that will continue as we move towards relaxing Tasmania’s border restrictions.

Today, I can confirm, based on advice from the State Controller and Public Health that our plan is to ease border restrictions with low risk COVID states from 26 October. This will see us move to implement Step 2 of our three Step plan announced two weeks ago for the gradual transition for our borders.

Low risk jurisdictions are determined by Public Health based on a number of factors which include the period of time they have gone with low or no numbers of cases and the lack of community transmission occurring in those jurisdictions.

At this stage, low risk states include South Australia, Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Queensland, the ACT and possibly NSW.

I want to be clear, that if at any time the situation changes in these states and the advice is that the risk is too high – then I won’t hesitate to change this decision.

We will review the situation in New South Wales over the next week and border restrictions will remain in place for the foreseeable future with Victoria until we are satisfied that the risk has reduced to a lower level.

Again, I’d like to thank Tasmanians for continuing to do the right thing and continuing to follow the rules to ensure we protect our people, our health system, our economy and the jobs it supports.

I intend to provide Tasmanians with an update on the measures being undertaken by the Government to prepare our State for the reopening of our borders, including our health system and aged care preparedness, in the week commencing the 11th of October.

The improvement in terms of the COVID risk situation around the country is good news, however we need everyone’s help to prepare and to keep on top of COVID. There’s no room for complacency.

Please remember to do the right thing. Maintain physical distancing, wash your hands, cover your coughs and sneezes, if you’re unwell stay at home and don’t go to work, and if you display even the mildest symptoms, please, get a test.

Rebecca White MP, Labor Leader, 2 October 2020

Further easing of border restrictions welcome news

Labor has welcomed today’s decision for a further easing of border restrictions at the end of this month.

Labor Leader Rebecca White said this is good news for tourism operators and for the many people who have been separated from their families during the pandemic.

“It’s been an extremely tough time for our tourism operators and it will come as a great relief that they can now look forward to welcoming visitors back to Tasmania safely.

“This announcement will also be welcome news for many families who can once again be reunited and in some cases, meet new additions to the family for the first time.

“We do need to remain vigilant and it’s important for Tasmanians to heed the public health message to continue to get tested.

“Now Peter Gutwein has set a date to reopen our borders he must also outline, as recommended by PESRAC, the plan for if and when COVID returns to our state so the community can feel confident.

“The Premier has said people should expect more cases before we are through this.

“It’s vital Peter Gutwein clearly explains the pathway out of this pandemic and sets out a clear plan to manage and respond to any new cases of COVID.”