Matthew Denholm The Australian

ANTI-GREENS election advertisements authorised by members of the secretive Exclusive Brethren religious sect have been billed to Liberal Party accounts. Detailed invoices from three newspapers that published ads authorised by Brethren member Roger Unwin during last year’s Tasmanian election, list the Liberal Party as the client.

It also appears that anti-Greens ads authorised by at least two other Brethren members were billed to the same accounts held on behalf of the Liberal Party by Hobart advertising agency Master Advertising. However, both the company, run by former Liberal candidate Chris Guesdon, and Liberal state director Damien Mantach said yesterday that invoicing the advertisements to Liberal accounts was due to an administrative bungle.

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What Martine Delaney says
What Rodney Croome says

Tasmanian Times
Margaretta Pos and Wes Young break the story:
Exclusive attack on the Greens
Hidding and his Brethren