Media release – Lutruwita Art Orchestra Inc (LAO), 24 November 2023
LUTRUWITA ART ORCHESTRA receives 2024 program funding from Arts Tasmania
The Lutruwita Art Orchestra Inc (LAO) is thrilled to announce we have received funding for our 2024 program from the Minister for the Arts, through Arts Tasmania.
Funding of $200,000 from Arts Tasmania will allow the LAO to deliver its 2024 and develop a 2025 program which includes collaborations with Dewayne Everettsmith, Jim Everett and Drill Performance.
The LAO formed in early 2023 as a semi-professional ensemble of 20 musicians – an intersectional platform for musicians from diverse cultural backgrounds, genders and musical traditions to collaborate and create a uniquely Tasmanian sonic culture through improvisation.
LAO is led by artistic director Stevie McEntee and executive producer Frances Butler, with a board which reflects Tasmania’s diversity as much as the core ensemble does.
LAO acting Chair, Sina Tarkesh Esfahani said, “Each of us have different backgrounds, identities and life experiences, yet we have opened our hearts and complete each other through music and artistry. We are bounded by respect on the common land of lutruwita that we are fortunate to share, and this creates huge potential for what we can do.”
“The music we create defies the boundaries of genre,” said artistic director Stevie McEntee. “It’s a platform for musicians and other art-form creatives to collaborate and create a uniquely Tasmanian sonic culture through improvisation and radical fusion.”
“We want the LAO to be a nexus point for change, experimentation and collaboration in a way we’ve not seen before in lutruwita”, said executive producer Frances Butler, “to us, diversity is our strength and there is so much as yet untapped creativity with music at its core.”
“The LAO is diversity and inclusion in action” Fiona Strahan, performance artist, disability advocate and LAO Board member said, “our commitment to diversity and inclusion is realistic, with the energy to carry it through.”
Board member Aimen Jafri, who is also Chair of Multicultural Council of Tasmania said, “LAO is a change maker when it comes to inclusion. A real-life example of magic created through diversity. The passion each member carries in their heart is reflected through the music they create.”
“I am delighted to be a part of the Lutruwita Art Orchestra, as a player and as a board member,” said Andrea Breen. “The ensemble has much to offer from its focus on collaborative and community music-making, and through placing its priorities around diversity, respect and creativity.”