Media release – Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA), 13 October 2022 

Tasmanians can now access pharmacist advice after hours

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is proud to launch the Tasmanian Afterhours Advice Line to support the health and wellbeing of all Tasmanians when their regular pharmacy is closed.

The Tasmanian Government-funded advice line is now available to all Tasmanians seeking support or advice from an expert pharmacist from 6pm to midnight, seven days a week. The advice line will be trialled over 8-months.

PSA Tasmanian President David Peachey said that the launch of the advice line will improve access to essential healthcare and further support the health and wellbeing of Tasmanians.

“We’re proud to bring the Pharmacist Advice Line to Tasmania as part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the health of our communities,” Mr Peachey said.

“Pharmacists are medicine safety experts, and play a significant role in the day-to-day management of medicines too. Tasmanians can now call us when most local pharmacies are closed and get the same expert advice on dosages, medicine safety, drug interactions.

“When Tasmanians call the pharmacist advice line with minor ailments we can also act as a triage point, giving them advice on whether to go to their pharmacist, GP, or hospital for treatment.

“We see afterhours patients with minor ailments go straight to the emergency department because there is often no other option. It doesn’t have to be this way, pharmacists have the skills and experience to help in many of these cases.

“We want to play our part in reducing pressure on the rest of the health system, so that healthcare remains accessible for everyone.

“PSA is proud to be working with the Tasmanian Government to ensure that healthcare is accessible to all patients when they need it. We sincerely thank Premier and Health Minister Jeremy Rockliff for his ongoing support for Tasmania’s pharmacists.”

The Pharmacist Afterhours Advice Line is available from 6pm to midnight, 7 days a week, at 1300 742 769.

More information on the service is available here.