Dispute: Suzi’s family home at 127 Elphin Rd …
First published February 28 …
*A brief overview of life as a victim of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) …
NO one person or Corporation has the right to disrespect and decimate another human being. What I have experienced as a customer of the CBA can only be seen as a Heinous Act or Crime and yet the law allows these acts to continue. People are being destroyed across the country and lives are being lost! We must stand up now for a Royal Commission with specific Terms of Reference to compensate the victims, expose the crimes and prevent people from taking their own lives.
This has been a simply soul-destroying journey for my daughter and I. The bank, in my view, was ruthless and wrongful in stripping me of nearly everything I owned, including my family home (pictured above).
The bank destroyed my right to earn an income by refusing to allow me to sell off a residential investment property to save my two businesses and my commercial property. The bank refused to treat me as a person in financial hardship as they were ordered to do by the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The bank refused to allow me to pay the difference into the courts between the wrongful sale of my investment property and the demand in the courts and to allow me to keep our family home and to keep my daughter safe. In fact it now appears it was intent on taking me down for standing up to its unconscionable conduct and, in my view, the bank was prepared to do anything to do this and make me suffer.
I am now isolated from family and friends. At times I have been forced to sleep on friends’ floors. I now only have Centrelink as an income and have been forced to borrow money just to survive, I am truly blessed to have such amazing friends. I have generally lost my sense of worth in society. I feel at times I have no purpose in life.
Below is a brief summary of Suzi Burge’s case against the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. Suzi has told her full story in a series of affadavits lodged with the Supreme Court of Tasmania, High Court of Australia and the Federal Court of Australia …
I very much regret my decision in 2008 to inquire about a loan with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia to improve my commercial property in Reuben Court, Kings Meadows. This property was my superannuation and was unencumbered prior to the lending. As the property was in a ‘Blue Chip location’ next to a large Shopping Centre, I always felt that this property would appreciate in value and allow me to be self-sufficient in my retirement years.
In 2008 when applying for a loan with CBA, the bank misled me and engaged in what was described to me by the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) as asset lending – in that it was prepared to provide a financial product which it knew was not affordable or suitable for my finance purposes and was prepared to do so because it was covered by my asset position secured by the mortgage. The FOS investigated both the 2008 and the 2010 loans in 2012 and after a two-year investigation found CBA guilty of Maladministration in Lending. Unfortunately FOS made mistakes and I was never restored to where I should have been prior to the CBA wrongful lending in 2008 and 2010.
CBA, I believe, manipulated the income and expense figures to suit its lending decision, without reference to my true financial position or the consequences to me. It appears that the four credit analysis reports were altered to produce a servicing capacity that would allow the loans to go through. CBA internal documentation also states I was a ‘Win’ for the bank in both the 2008 lending and the 2010 lending.
Valuations on the Reuben Court property were $450,000 prior to the lending of $300,000 in 2008 to improve the property, $650,000 prior to the refinance of my investment property and family home after the renovations were done and then just $380,000 prior to CBA’s wrongful sale of my property. The valuer at all times was the same and an ex-CBA business banking manager. My property sold for approx. $364,000 which was approx $85,000 less than the original valuation prior to the improvements made to the property. One has to ask how does that happen? I say that CBA inflated and deflated valuations to suit its own purpose.
It was deceitful and misleading by the bank to represent to me in 2008 and 2010 that its loans on the terms dictated to me were suitable for my purposes when it knew that I could only comply with the contract interest and costs regime with substantial hardship or by having the credit limit increased during the loan period.
As a result I have fallen into a spiral that has led to the loss of my commercial property, two businesses, my investment property and finally my family home and personal belongings. I have also lost my marriage, my family, my self-respect and social worth and everything I hold dear.
The bank’s conduct has left me devastated: The Supreme Court’s … approach of not letting me show ‘just cause’ under the Land Titles Act s146.2 as to why a possession order should not be made, but instead making possession orders without hearing my grievances against the bank, and instead ordering a separate action which they then wedged me out of any hearing on the merits by using threatening and bullying tactics on 7th March 2016 (after I had been stripped of nearly all my assets).
The Supreme Court of Tasmania has disregarded Commonwealth laws affecting my position in hearing my injunction application. On 10th February 2016 AsJ Holt dismissed my Urgent Injunction application. AsJ Holt made the following (to me) horrendous statement “If an injunction is not granted the plaintiff can receive complete compensation if she succeeds in the action, and so would suffer no hardship by the refusal of her application”. How can you compensate someone for the loss of their family and family home of 25 years or any other property? The court system – I believe – failed me by not allowing me to show cause in the possession action and instead ordering me to start a new action if I wanted to set aside or vary the loan contracts.
Breaches of the National Credit Code, particularly the hardship clauses, and of the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 s128 & 131, by the Bank in 2014, and its undermining of my attempts to refinance in 2016, have made my losses worse. I also allege the bank has breached various parts of the Corporations Act and the ASIC act and possibly the Criminal Code.
2010 saw my family home and my investment property come under a CBA mortgage. This new Loan Application Form (that I had not seen prior to a request for documentation to FOS and the OAIC) states that the commitment level was 142%, and it was clear to the CBA on these figures that my credit arrangements with the bank were structured to fail, as they did. This refinancing procedure was a transparent vehicle to gain security on my family home and to steal my home from me (a procedure noted in other cases of small business customers defaulted by their bank lenders). They secured this loan by enticing me with discounts of a Wealth Package.
When CBA sold Reuben Court in 2012 it destroyed my income source and the location of my small businesses. I had requested to sell off the Abbott St property to pay off the problem loan as this, in my view, was a much more sensible option. This would have left me with income and with my commercial property. The bank said NO. This made my later losses and failure inevitable. The bank’s conduct in refusing to work with me to mutual benefit in this period was unconscionable and the process itself deceitful and a breach of the Code of Banking Practice and of the Corporations Act.
Contrary to what the Bank’s General Counsel said in his 5th May 2016 letter to me justifying the bank’s position, or in his evidence to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Joint Committee into The Impairment of Customer Loans on 4 April 2016, my case is more than just a sad case in which the bank had no obligation to me. I have been grievously wronged, as found by FOS, as accepted by a CBA barrister who made the following statement on the 10th February 2016 in the Supreme Court of Tasmania “and if the plaintiff were to prove every fact that she alleges, then she may well have a successful claim for damages”. I have the evidence and can prove every claim. This statement was then backed up by the following statement by AsJ Holt “Well, Ms Burge – Mr … will correct me if I’m wrong about this – but for the purpose of your application, he’ll concede that your writ raises causes of action which you have a realistic chance of winning”. I couldn’t understand then or now how one could possibly lose their properties with admissions in a court of law such as these by both Counsel for CBA and the Associate Judge?
My claim includes damages. However compensation alone cannot put me and my daughter back into the position we previously enjoyed before the bank’s unconscionable conduct because my family home and personal belongings, built up over 25 years, cannot be replaced in money terms and the relationship between my daughter and I will probably never be returned to where it was.
On the 26th February 2016 CBA took possession of my family home. I had barricaded myself inside my family home as taking this from my daughter and I was wrong. CBA then ordered a Police battering ram, to ram the front door down and I reluctantly was forced to give up possession of my family home.
On Monday 22 August 2016 the bank informed me that it had fixed Elphin Road for sale on 23 September 2016. I promptly put the real estate agent on notice that to sell my property is wrong as there are current legal actions in regards to this and other property. The real estate company continued with the sale of my property. It was auctioned under most unusual circumstances. No contracts or information were handed out on the day. The property was sold at auction at way under value. According to the CBA solicitor they gave the purchaser an extended time to settle (namely 60 days to 22 of November 2016). This does not happen at an auction. The purchaser was then given a further extension to settle (22 December 2016). It is only now that a large skip is parked out the front of my family home and the interior of a Heritage property has now been stripped. On 21 November 2016 (the day before the first settlement date) I put CBA, CBA solicitors and the real estate company on notice that any transfer of title on my property was wrong and I allege deceptive and misleading conduct in regards to this and other properties I own. They continued to ignore my request to cease transferring title until my matter is heard in a fair Court of Law.
The Tasmanian Supreme Court of Tasmania has acted contrary to law (namely not allowing me to show cause as was my right under Section 146.2), we took our matter to the High Court, which informed us that we must go back to the Tasmanian Supreme Court to appeal. The Federal Court in Sydney has made the same judgment.
On 4 November 2016 we came before Chief Justice Alan Blow in the Tasmanian Supreme Court in regards to an Urgent Hearing for a special leave to appeal. Blow CJ refused, in spite of knowing that mistakes were made by Holt AsJ. Appealing his decision in Tasmania would be fruitless. We would never be given the right to a fair hearing, I believe, in the Tasmanian Supreme Court.
On 19 December 2016 we came before Judge Foster in the Sydney Supreme Court in relation to my matter once again. My current barrister asked that Judge Foster excuse himself as he had already refused our application previously. Judge Foster refused to excuse himself. The decision is reserved and we are still waiting on our right to a Fair Trial as is my right under the Humans Rights Act.
The theft continued after the sale of my family home. I was taxed $86,065.00 for legal fees in relation to the writ against the bank that I was wrongfully ordered to do if I wanted to set aside or vary the mortgages? I was charged $14,623.15 for the possession order (I didn’t get to defend), I was charged $10,484.86 just for insurance on the Elphin Road property (no contents). I was then charged $726.82 to replace glass in the window that was broken by the bank’s agents even after I had paid all this money for insurance? The charge of $8266.72 to paint, garden and general maintenance is for what? Why would you replace a hot water cylinder for $1800.00? it certainly did not add to the amount the property was sold for? Fees to wrongfully remove my property from my home are $14,787.95 and $628.98 and then those removalists concerned trashed and stole my property? Then I was charged a further $5780.38 for Conveyancing Fees? I have never seen an invoice for any of these amounts and my continual requests for them have gone ignored.
Lives have been destroyed and will never return to where they were. The Courts protect the perpetrators and the innocent are sent to a life of hell! Hopefully whomever reads this will agree that Justice must prevail. Those that have committed these heinous acts or alleged crimes must be held accountable!
Above are items Suzi says a firm of removalists (ordered by the bank) damaged: “The absolute devastation of seeing all things you hold dear trashed or stolen, is beyond belief. My daughter’s trophies were trashed, fridges and other whitegoods that look like they had been dragged along the concrete, antiques broken, pictures smashed, an antique lamp just thrown in a box (not wrapped), actually a good deal of what I own has been destroyed. The Make – A – Wish tin my daughter and I had been putting loose change in had been prized open and the contents removed. The picture of the box of items is what most boxes look like. Hundreds and hundreds of cartons. The contents of my freezer was thrown into the garbage. I asked could I get my food out and even give it to a charity? CBA said NO. Police reports have been filed and they have advised me to lodge another report when the remainder of my items have been unpacked. I am struggling to collect the remainder of my items, I have nowhere to store them, no money to pay and I feel physically ill every time I have to face the task of cleaning up the mess. CBA refuses to claim against the removalist for the damage and the removalists state that as the CBA are the client, only they can claim. Where does this leave me? Possibly back to Court to sue for damages. I will never recover from this ordeal.
Welfare Checks: Why do large Corporations initiate ‘Welfare Checks’? After initiating them and knowing that the person is struggling these large corporations seem to go in harder for the kill (so to speak) after that check? This makes no sense to all that have been subjected to them? What should happen is the realisation that the person is struggling and they should be made to ‘back off’ by law. They should be made to work with that person or persons in order to make sure that a suitable outcome is achieved and that this person survives. I now have regular counselling and psychologist appointments to deal with what the bank has done to me. I know of many that haven’t survived. In this instance the Banks should be ethically and morally responsible for their actions and that includes recognising the client is in trouble and that their ‘welfare’ is the only real important issue, instead of putting their own greed before the Welfare of the client.
Change must happen. My matter was brought before the Parliamentary Inquiry into Customer Impaired Loans 4/4/2016 whereby CBA was grilled over my matter. CBA Counsel gave an undertaking in that Inquiry to take my matter seriously and “Reduce the loan amount by the amount of excessive lending”. CBA failed to do as they said they would. My matter was seen as unjust in that Inquiry. My matter was then brought before the ASBFEO – Kate Carnell’s Inquiry into Banks. Out of 23 cases Australia-wide that they chose to look into, I am one of the 8 ‘Deep Dive’ cases. I appeared before the panel of experts and again my matter was seen as unjust. I brought my case to the attention of the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department requesting urgent funding in my matter. Again they saw my matter as unjust and as the ‘Test Case’ and are funding my matter before the Courts.
I am just an Aussie mum who has worked hard all her life. My daughter and I didn’t deserve to be subjected to these heinous acts that have been inflicted upon us. Nothing can replace the loss of family or the loss of a family home of 25 years. We must all stand together to make a difference against the unconscionable conduct of the banks. If we can stop this from happening to just one person/family/small business or farmer then the fight will be worth it!
• Fairfax: Push for bank staff to act in a ‘fair and ethical’ manner: review
• Tony Rigg in Comments: Dear Editor, my wife and I are victims of the Commonwealth Bank …
• Watch on YouTube: ‘Suzi’s eviction’
• MSN: Westpac is being taken to court accused of approving home loans without proper checks
• Fairfax: ASIC foreshadows action against other banks over lending practices
Download ‘Bankers and Bastards’ …
• Fairfax: Banks may rue not facing a royal commission as they are grilled in Senate inquiries
• Australian: Royal commission could cost jobs: CBA CEO
• The New Daily: Commonwealth Bank boss accused of ‘cover-up’
Comment 38 …
FRIDAY, March 17 …
• ABC: Banks under investigation as ASIC targets dodgy mortgage lending
WEDNESDAY, April 5 …
TUESDAY, April 11 …
• Fairfax: ASIC enforcement taskforce recommends tightening bank rules to protect customers
Paul Tapp
February 27, 2017 at 13:54
With deep interest I have read this complex pathway to justice for this very brave and very-wronged victim of modern transacting and modern law. She has taken much time to raise it in the TT and indeed the public eye and I do hope that modern times have not so diminished the value of our parliaments to that occupied only as a sinecure. From my experiences I would not rely too much on this manifesting into a Commission of Inquiry, as their terms of reference are designed to skirt around the edges of truth and they become no more than venues of jabberwocky for strutting QC’s and career lawyers…not to mention big Christmas bonuses. Justice, like democracy in finger-pointing issues as this are just very good ideas and law courts and inquiries, no more than a place to dirty the names of iconoclasts, as what this dogged lady would be viewed as. I would suggest that she copy the link to this TT article and at least post it online to all State and Fed pollies in the vain hope that an arm might raise up from the bosom of the murky lake brandishing a great sword of justice. If no more comes of it for her let her feel assured that there is a community of at least moral support for her and her daughter…and for the Tasmanian Times which readily runs the gauntet of legal/defamation threats for having such a venue to expose these Goliath/David battles in modern times. Will watch with interest where it now goes, now that the acorn has been planted. The pile of kiddies toys in the pic is heart-breaking…to those who have hearts.
Maverick Ministries
February 27, 2017 at 15:49
The threat to disbar her lawyer and make him pay the bank’s legal costs unless he can prove misrepresentations ‘civil fraud’ or unconscionable conduct is simply shocking. Malcolm Roberts and Derryn Hinch and Bob Katter should assess if these menacing tactics should be outlawed by the legal ethics boards across Australia. Otherwise Judges are kept in the dark.
February 27, 2017 at 17:49
Thank you Paul for your support, it has been a soul destroying journey neither my daughter or I will ever recover from. I sit and wonder how this is allowed to continue to happen to innocent people without investigation. Many have been put through the old Bank Ringer. Unfortunately some haven’t made it through the other side.
Maverick Ministries, My current Barrister is amazing and trying his best to untangle the mess. Some of it I made as a self represented litigant in the Supreme Court. I did not understand section 146.2 of the Lands Title Act and did not know that it was wrong to send me on a Wild Goose Chase by making an order that if I wished to set aside or Vary the loan contracts, I had to start a separate action. I should have been able to defend the possession in the one action. I have never had the right to show cause as to why possession should not have happened as was my right under the Lands Title Act. When we appealed in the Tasmania Supreme Court, as we were told to do by the High Court and the Federal Court. Chief Justice Blow refused to allow me special leave to appeal and then awarded me further costs. It appears I was never going to get a fair trial in Tasmania …
Paul Tapp
February 27, 2017 at 21:58
A quick response Suzi to acknowledge your response, to let you know you are not alone with this and hopefully expect it to gather momentum. I only have a lay interest in The Law, and got a good insight into how it works (or doesn’t) in a publication called The Criminal Injustice System. It’s embedded in ancient beliefs that justice must be seen to be done. In your case it hasn’t and you haven’t gone away. It was a British Lord, once quoted in a ruling by Tasmanian Justice Bill Zeeman, which goes something like this: publicity, publicity, publicity, the key to ending public disquiet…. I’ll do my research and get the exact quote, most relevant. Keep it up, you have nothing to lose and let’s see if you can prick a conscience in the right places Suzi. Amazing as I write this I’m listening to a TV ad calling to end injustice to kids overseas kids ‘like Pierre’. I’d like to think that yours is the personification of injustices in our back yard that needs urgent redress. I once congratulated Chief Justice Blow on his appointment to the bench. I wish now that I hadn’t.
February 27, 2017 at 22:06
Clearly, on the information supplied by Suzi – which would be beyond challeng e- the Bank involved should be stripped of its licence to operate and should compensate Suzi very substantually indeed.
Every politician – of any streak – should take up her clearly legitimate case and not weaken until she receives what is obviously her absolute rights.
Kim Peart
February 28, 2017 at 12:40
The Australian government revealed a mean heart, the kind that beats within the ribs of a mafia boss, when setting out to claw back claimed debts with a robot spitting out hit and miss money demands.
We cannot expect better from the banks when the government leads the way in meanness and cruelty.
Individuals with a case may win justice, but when mean wheels turn, others will be ground down in turn.
If we want a better nation, one with a heart that cares, we could start by fighting for a Fair Go, along with a Bill of Rights, as we are the only advanced nation to lack a Bill of Rights.
If we avoid a Bill of Rights, is it so we can avoid maintaining the value of a Fair Go, and avoid our national human rights obligations that we signed up for in 1947?
The simple acid test may be whether we will shift the fiscal gears to real full-employment, with real pay, which would include a government employment guarantee.
This would see people assured homes, as workers need homes.
This would keep private enterprise on their toes, to attract and keep workers.
When we are not marching to the drum of a Fair Go as a nation, then we find we are electing mafia bosses to be mean to us, and lead the charge in meanness standards ~ into the negative.
If we love the Centrelink robot, and banker greed, don’t fight for a Fair Go, let the fiscal grinders turn the lives of citizens into dust.
The grinder system is maintained by fear, driving discipline, punishment and humiliation, separating buggered losers from greedy winners.
While a mean percentage of unemployment is required to keep the wheels of growth turning, then the forces used will be driving citizens into poverty and homelessness, one way and many others, so the meanest will get their larger share of the national pie.
This nation is definitely running into banana republic status, which will be accelerated by running onto a carpet of banana skins.
There we go.
If we don’t like that, we have to unite and fight for a Fair Go.
Do we want a Fair Go?
I have been through the losing of everything, thanks to government policy, homeless in Brisbane while working full time, paying off debt, finding a way back.
There are times when letting go is the only option, when found standing on a carpet of banana skins.
Who we are, in our heart, cannot be taken away.
As long as we are alive, we can create, and fight for a Fair Go.
When a critical number of citizens shake up and fight for a Fair Go, then there will be hope for those that now get ground to dust by the mafia economics and politics of this nation.
February 28, 2017 at 13:31
No Paul, there was no Justice in the Tasmanian Supreme Court, in fact an injustice when AsJ Holt ordered me to start a separate action against the Bank if I wanted to set aside or vary the loan contracts? I should have defended the possession action in the one action. Of course as a self litigant, I thought the Judge would have known what he was doing. Now my current Barrister is working hard to undo AsJ holt’s mistakes. It was horrifying when Chief Justice Blow refused our application for special leave to appeal. What was more horrifying was in regards to the costs. Chief Justice Blow said words to the effect of in the Court system the loser pays.. and quite jovially stated this I might add.
TGC I have all the evidence, every document, every internal memo and some off the transcripts of the court (which would horrify most). The bank should most certainly be stripped of its licence and I should most certainly be compensated. However, circumstances has seen me continually stripped and continually thrown to the wolves. It most certainly has been the most awful experience and one that I don’t want another person to have to endure.
Geraldine Allan
February 28, 2017 at 13:43
#4 Paul, looking through the retrospectoscope, undoubtedly there is more than one Supreme Court Judge, some rising the hierarchical ladder to CJ, that do/did not earn ‘worthy-of-appointment to the bench’ stripes.
#3 Suzi, some would fall along the way of the torrid sometimes-horrific wild jungle trek you have trodden to be heard and receive a fair-go. In spite of the humungous challenge, you are still standing albeit barely.
A pioneering undertaking; shattering experiences and very, very shady activities. Where’s the accountability and proper oversight?
(1) The Commonwealth Bank,
(2) Questionable FOS decisions in some instances,
(3) Legal representation that at times has been tardy and/or hopeless,
(4) Last but not least the Courts, as numerous readers can endorse — an expensive letdown publically-funded system.
At times, there are no words. Shame.
Tony Rigg
February 28, 2017 at 15:30
Dear Editor, my wife and I are victims of the Commonwealth Bank.
I would appreciate very much if you could run our story.
Please google Tony Rigg vs Commonwealth Bank, google BANK REFORM NOW and google …
… with photos, our story and videos of our case. Look at the video my wife and I did on BANK REFORM NOW, it is frightening.
It is nearly 32 year since this fraud started …
Today we would have been a major employer, exporter and had inquiries from companies in 33 countries.
The cost to the community has been huge, but WHY ?
I stress that we were never in default.
Geraldine Allan
February 28, 2017 at 17:19
#9 Tony, having perused the appalling Rigg story, I say Go the Riggs!
“… If victims fight, they are persecuted, victimized and denied access to critical documents. Judges break the law by striking out subpoenas and stopping the victims having discovery of critical documents. Then the same judges write judgments against the victims, knowing their cases have not been heard. We, and others, have suffered the same fate and we still don’t know the truth. I believe they are masters of deception as they have had plenty of practice. …â€
So very, very true. I repeat from my #8 — Where’s the accountability and proper oversight?
At times, there are no suitable words. Shame.
Kim Peart
February 28, 2017 at 20:14
Re: 9 ~ When justice is missing in action, and if we want justice, a just land can be built on a new foundation.
Until that work is done, justice will remain missing in action.
Installing a Bill of Rights in this nation would be a good first step.
A nation that is a fair place for all citizens could then be built.
A new nation, free of poverty and no homeless people.
That will take quite a fierce level of compassion to achieve.
Love can change the world, but that kind of love is fierce compassion.
Like Simpson with his donkey.
Claire Gilmour
February 28, 2017 at 20:57
Why isn’t CBA also being investigated?
Claire Gilmour
February 28, 2017 at 21:17
February 28, 2017 at 22:26
Forget the Royal Commission. Banks are run by very sophisticated criminals who have become a law unto themselves.
The solution is as a society we need to work together to get rid of banks altogether. If you still believe banks serve some important function in society then you are a victim of one of the world’s greatest scams.
It’s true, there is little an individual can do by themselves to avoid banks (such is the extent that banks have taken control over society!)
However, when we work together, there are solutions – the first step is to learn how banks really operate.
Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve
Claire Gilmour
February 28, 2017 at 23:43
# 14 That’s right … couldn’t agree more.
Interestingly enough the American constitution, many years ago, use to have a clause that prohibited banks from charging above a certain interest rate. I can’t remember what it was called (can anyone shine more light on this?).
As time went on the rate of interest in the constitution was increased, until it was abandoned in the constitution altogether. This then gave rise to the reserve bank. … And the rest from then is resultant in stories as we see here … no care … no responsibility … just greed from the banks.
William Boeder
March 1, 2017 at 00:21
There are 2 levels of law in Australia, one that suits the upper-rank Liberals and Australia’s major Banks, however, the Commonwealth Bank will secure the decision their way if when it comes down to the issue of one Bank against another Bank.
The other or the secondary law that deals with the lesser others.
For this Bank is the preferred Bank that Australia’s highest court has allowed the CBA to set many a new precedent that will become a citation that can be referred to, so to provide an unfair advantage, mostly this will see the decision handed down will favour the CBA.
This same Bank will do their utmost to bring absolute ruin upon or against an unfortunate who dares to have their matter advanced to the High Court of Australia.
The person that takes charge over every likelihood when the case or its event is considered to be a highly contentious matter, then up jumps the most ruthless legal spook in In Australia who happens to be employed by the CBA, one xxx xxx
Democratic rule and the integrity of our law courts here in Australia have been cast aside to show that the Liberal party are more beholden to their funds’ donating corporates, than the silly notion of governing for the entirety or the magnitude of the people of Australia.
Full transcripts of major cases heard are held under an index system, then that many earlier cases can be found in the archives of these legal case records institutions.
One case I had searched for was camouflaged by substituted non-identifying initials.
However, this particular case with its stream of charges and the recognized dates were able to have me zero in on the duplicitous nature of this case.
Of further interest is the fact that some cases are not forwarded to the records storing institutions, when this occurs, London to a brick it is a case that has not been dealt with in the most appropriate means, nor that it has been dealt with correctly per the requisite finest carriage of our Australian law.
phill Parsons
March 1, 2017 at 08:04
Who has not had from the bank managers mouth the story of sharp dealing to get a prime property at a knockdown price.
Thos os why a Royal Commission remains necessary. Westpac has recently been caught at it and and inquiry will find some should join the Icelandic Bankers, even if for different reasons, and each institution needs to be reformed and closely monitored.
Ivan Flower-Jones
March 1, 2017 at 18:54
In 2008 my partner and I signed up for a line of credit with Commonwealth bank. It has turned out to be the worst possible advice. Combank was simply after our equity. CBA suggested I contact one of their mortgage agents in WA.
The agent suggested a $500,000 loan on property in WA. Before I knew it, we had a loan for $848,000 including $9300 for the useless Mortgage Insurance. ComBank wanted us to reduce equity to being less than 20%. We now know why they did this! We fell for it along with 2 million other hard working Aussies. The bank approved the loan, not the agent.
The 3.3h (8 acre) property on the Leeuwin Naturaliste Ridge Margaret River was valued at $1,050,000(late 2007) by com bank. My business was growing in size and territory and relied on managers in WA and NSW to ‘manage’. While I concentrated on other work with a machine that turned out to have several major faults.
Thanks to Combank the financial advice we relied upon was rubbish. Our losses are now approaching $455,000 and like so many others we keep asking ourselves…….how did we get here?.
While working in Canberra 2011, Our neighbourhood was devastated by fire, . 50 homes had gone, neighbours distraught and homeless needed shelter clothing and welfare. As a tradie we offered what we could do hands-on over several weeks. Work had stopped for us all. I asked CBA for consideration of hardship. The difficulty trying to apply for the hardship process was extremely frustrating. The following week CBA response to our request advised us the interest rate would increase to 17.92% from 6.2%. On top of this CBA bandits withdrew $14,500 each month for 6 months as well as the super interest. I reiterated the situation to CBA. Their response was condescending, demanding and had no resemblance to consumer’s best interests given there will be ups and downs in life over 30 year loans. Combank failed to even send our mail to a correct address, an address that never changed and then penalised us for that!!! No apologies.
I started recording conversations over the telephone, and commonwealth bank will not now speak with me. It was the only way I could have accuracy and certainty in the conversation.
FOS found Commonwealth Bank at fault. That was a surprise, that they agreed with us. FOS fined ComBank $1000 for the errors. No apology.
We all speak of the level of stress dealing with many Bank induced difficulties including by now a physical breakdown that required my hospitalization in the spinal unit of Royal North Shore hospital and 12months of rehabilitation.
By now my partner of 30 years was clinically depressed on medication and losing all hope. BANK DEBT is a killer and the pain is worse than any health issue.
Our children in their early, mid and late 20s with their own families. They did not know the reason for us having to repurchase our home of 25 years and later as a consequence, didn’t realize the breakdown of their parents relationship.
On 30/11/ 2013 we vacated the property. Combank found a further way to add to the DEBT another $60,000 to make the place ‘sellable’?. These Bankers are thieves. They cause the pain and are experts at turning the knife!!!! Kick a bloke when he is down! Exparte Supreme Court action by CBA after we handed the keys back.
This is a property 1 kilometre from the beautiful Margaret River beaches. A custom built home, polished concrete, rammed earth timber & steel.
The 8 acre bush block with the home selling quickly for $620,000, leaving us with a neat $455,000 shortfall. We should never have been given the loan in the first place. My income for the year was ~$20,000 when we signed up, this after a year in the Supreme Court arguing for a property we were gifted in 1989. My partners income didn’t even attract tax. Yes later on my income came up for a while, but was unsustainable. Our credit cards were maxed out when we applied for the loan but that was overlooked.
Last year we contacted BFCSA and through their instructions, we found fraud everywhere. All of this was found after I collected the complete LAF (Loan Application Form) from the Commonwealth bank all 104 pages. Not just the 4 pages I signed on the application.
I’ve been homeless since 30/11/2013 I’m stronger and working a bit though still estranged from my family and that hurts. I’m not alone, Many others have been treated poorly and this systemic fraud cannot continue.
We need a Royal Commission urgently. The toll on humanity around the world from bankers maladministration, forgery, collusion. A systemic pox and land grab, pilfering the community.
I’m tired, angry and sad, but I’m not dead!
Just Me
March 1, 2017 at 19:35
I wondered why (and who) was removing what seems to be the entire inside of the Elphin Rd. property.
Banks seem to bend over backwards to lend businesses money – even business advisers seem to think it is ok to pay all your profits out in interest because it is “tax deductible”. Usually still doesn’t make it good business.
Incidentally – according to Realestate.com the house sold for more that you think it did…
Geraldine Allan
March 2, 2017 at 15:57
In search of more particulars, I came across an even more shocking on-line version than can be published in this TT article. For me, it fills in several gaps of what I describe as a horrific but real exposé surfacing right in our Tasmanian midst.
How can this be?
Although I’ve written it before; it is worthy of repeating — we peasants sure live within an ‘Injustice System’, with imitation accountability and oversight. I know this from personal experience over far too many years; reading the extended account props up what I already knew.
Claire Gilmour
March 2, 2017 at 16:51
The banking system should become an election issue!
Only then will there be potential for decent law changes.
To hell with the issues the politicians want to wave and focus on … those issues they know and use to divide and conquer for political gain.
How the hell banks can charge the person they have essentially/morally stolen from to sell a persons home is beyond reproachable. And then some politicians will sleep in the streets in a sleeping bag to ‘pretend’ they understand homelessness ! What a crock of crooked …!
The banking system needs a huge overhaul. As does the judiciary, political machinations and government.
Hello … the ‘system’ is broken! It ultimately only supports the mega rich. The rest are just slaves!
Geraldine Allan
March 2, 2017 at 17:00
#20 correction, line 1
should read:
I came across an even more shocking on-line version than cannot be published in this TT article
Geraldine Allan
March 2, 2017 at 17:01
#21 hear, hear
Geraldine Allan
March 2, 2017 at 17:24
Further to my #20, for anyone interested in the loooong read, it is here:
Kim Peart
March 2, 2017 at 17:36
Re: 21 ~ To win a “huge overhaul” we must begin with ourselves.
Will we actively support the introduction of a Bill of Rights into this nation?
If this can be raised and supported, we can begin by defining a Fair Go for all citizens, and describe how this will be delivered with employment and homes.
This will shape the political agenda to get banking into a justice straight-jacket.
Who would like that?
March 2, 2017 at 18:17
Firstly thank you for all the positive comments, it is an issue that needs to be brought forward and debated. Politicians (whom I know read TT regularly) where are you? Are you afraid to comment?
#8 Thank you Geraldine, it has been a soul destroying journey that has ruined my family. It didn’t have to be this way, but CBA was on a mission of stripping me of my assets and was never going to help me.
#12 I don’t know Claire? My matter has been before nearly every inquiry and all see it as unjust. I am not alone, there are so many heart breaking and soul destroying stories out there.
#18 Dear Ivan, I spoke with you at the 21st November Bank Rally with tears in my eyes at what you had been through, although I never really heard the whole story. Thank you for sharing. More people need to share to show the world, this is not an isolated case. Sadly when reading your story, it mirrors mine in so many ways? That really scares me. I again shed another tear for you and wish you hope, luck and happiness and that eventually you will be re-united with your family x
#19 Just me? The sale price of my house is and always has been $410,000. This is well under value and has now been stripped yes. It was a Heritage property owned by Findlay’s of Wills the Quadrant Mall and 7LA. Algernon Percival Findlay to be exact. I was the third owner and was preserving everything inside. When I knew it had been sold I rang the Heritage Council to stop the destruction of historic parts of the home. Heritage told me to nominate the property and that it would take 6 months. Now an important part of Launceston’s history has been destroyed!
Claire Gilmour
March 2, 2017 at 19:42
Your bank, your government, your council, your politicians and representatives, your home, property and business … are they really yours? Or are YOU theirs?
From birth you a given a ‘certificate’. This essentially ‘sells’ you on the open market. Even when you’re sick and die you become ‘saleable’.
What do you vote for? A bunch of media people employed by politicians/government who essentially work for big mega rich business and who know how to con and extrapolate everything from you!
Is it what you know, who you know or how hard you work?
Yep, you’re expend …able! … you’re a citizen!
Claire Gilmour
March 2, 2017 at 19:49
You’ve opened a huge can of worms Suzi Burge and huge kudos to you (and others) for putting your personal life on the line in the media against such big wigs. If you and your daughter ever need a place to stay or just need a quiet place to chill out I open my home to you, you’re more than welcome.
Claire Gilmour
March 2, 2017 at 20:20
Is economic abuse ONLY done by family members?
I don’t think so.
I believe the biggest perpetuators are banks, government, judicial. Which ultimately leads close to home – domestic! Partners blame each other when infact it is the banks/government system which has created the problem to start with.
I say … banks help create domestic violence through economic/financial abuse.
William Boeder
March 3, 2017 at 10:49
Claire and Suzi, you are both correct with your claims, yes by Bank’s pressuring households for money they are attempting to extract from them soon has detrimental domestic violence in circumstances when other times it would do no such thing.
I have spoken previously of the CBA APRI loans Scheme, (Asset Rich-Income Poor) this bogus lending product has a history of returning a 63% profit return rate, at the same time it is well outside the Bank’s lending principles.
In most all eventuating court cases, ever this Bank is successful and wins its case.
Generally, there is introduced type of a peripheral matter that is fought and won by the Shylock lending institutions,
Were the CBA Bank unable to use this sort of duplicity, then this whole new ball-game concept will be far less likely to have the decision handed down in favour if this disreputable Bank.
I too have read the full transcripts of Suzi’s case and in its multi-court eventuating actions that were devilish in their creation through to the case cinclusion.
Geraldine Allan
March 3, 2017 at 13:23
#28 Claire — a real hands-on generous offer to Suzi and/or her daughter.
Being on the wayside, looking on, feeling useless/helpless whilst knowing that wrongdoing is happening to yet another peasant in our midst, is indeed frustrating and distressing.
You have raised my hope and awareness that there are those amongst our immediate community, who happen to care about making ‘living our life’ a decent event and are prepared to do something, rather than nothing.
Onya Claire.
Geraldine Allan
March 3, 2017 at 15:39
What about our forebears who fought and sacrificed their lives in order that we have ‘justice on our side’?
Then, observe the hierarchy and our gutless elected representatives on Anzac Day & Remembrance Day, as they salute and speak hollow clichés and unoriginal words (probably written for them), whilst overseeing the destruction of citizens’ hopes and equality before the law.
I’ll repeat it — shame.
March 4, 2017 at 13:33
#28 Claire thank you from the bottom of my heart
#31 Geraldine, it is indeed heart warming to see that there are genuine people out there
#30 William, I know you have seen the injustice that this matter is. Unfortunately CBA didn’t want to fix their mess, The Courts just wanted it gone and the politicians look at this as all too hard…. I had the right to a fair trial and it was ripped from me.
Justice for all!
Again thank you for all the comments
Claire Gilmour
March 4, 2017 at 17:10
#31 Geraldine I know what it is like to feel powerless, to struggle to keep ones home.
The days when you can barely breathe, the panic attacks, the constant tears, the isolation one feels, the constant hassles when one just needs some time out and peace of mind … and through it all one wants to maintain a modicum of pride and not feel like a burden on anyone.
People ask – are you ok? And you say – yep I’m fine … but you’re not really.
Because you really want to scream … no I’m not OK, I feel so alone and can anyone help me?!
And the government wonders why so many suffer from depression from their system!
Malcolm Turnbull and Will Hodgeman use to be lawyers, … perhaps every person who has been screwed by the banks/government/political system should send them a letter asking for their help and their opinions?
Get them to represent the masses in a class action … !
Geraldine Allan
March 4, 2017 at 22:59
#34. Oooh Claire, and yet you are still standing, albeit bent.
Your suggestion commencing, “perhaps everybody who has been screwed…” is food for thought. My understanding is that it is mandatory that every constituent receive a written response to any correspondence to his/her elected representative.
Choke, choke. I’m no prophet yet it’s not difficult to foresee the insulting wishy-washy responses. Expect soft fluffy words and no remedial action. Then if dissatisfied constituents dare to challenge the ‘go-away’ reply, the traditional “no further correspondence will be entered intoâ€, will promptly follow. Grrrr.
Claire, adding ‘lawyers and [in] justice system’ to your “screwed by the banks/government/political system”, I suggest the stronger action of forming a group that can and will last the distance until fair and seen-to-be-done representation happens. Most particularly, since there is a Tasmanian election in the not too distant future, aggrieved Tasmanian peasants ought quickly unite in action and then loudly seek their desired results from those elected and paid to provide it, or else!
Since MHA’s & MLC’s seem to view such groups with a certain disdain whilst believing they fall by the way in time (most do as members can’t last the distance it takes), that attitude must be stamped out. There is one way to do it — a pencil @ the ballot box. ASAP timing is opportune; there is a rising interest in smaller parties and independent representatives. If the major parties want to continue to give complainants the finger, constituents can return the gesture.
Geraldine Allan
March 4, 2017 at 23:07
#33 Suzi — when you write, “The Courts just wanted it gone and the politicians look at this as all too hard…. I had the right to a fair trial and it was ripped from me. Justice for all!”, there aren’t any dissenters with your statement.
Hence the suggestion of uniting and strength in numbers in my previous post.
I realise the Banking Reform Now are increasingly loud; that is natonal and yes increasingly creating a very loud noise. Nevertheless, I am looking in our own Tasmanian yard for now. The debris needs clearing and carting to the tip.
William Boeder
March 5, 2017 at 13:30
Dear Geraldine, just as you and your family have suffered under the justice system of old and observed how others known to you have been held in that same contempt by the judiciary all those years ago.
I recall the pomposity of a recent late Governor who was heard to utter the words in public that there is no corruption in Tasmania.
This immediately had me recall the event of 2 Supreme Court cases to try the same political aspirant yet each ended up in hung juries, each jury being given short notice to be quick about deciding if there was any show of intent that could be established in the case before the court.
The relevance of this recollection of events holds its significance in each presiding judge summing up the matter to be considered by the jury, if their was a provable intent, (not necessarily toward the action of the defendant. Meaning the actual crime as had been alleged.)
The desired result of 2 hung juries meant the case had to be dismissed on the basis of “double jeopardy” thus the defendant is free to leave the Court.
(Please note that this law-court outcome could not be said to have the defendant proved not guilty, for that factor alone had not been properly established during the hearing of the first and second case.
On the defendant leaving court he was heard to say I am free, when in actual fact the crime itself had not been properly contested so the claim of innocent had not at all been established.
One must remember the curlicues of how the upper echelon in this State seem to close their ranks when one of their specie is brought before the court.
As could be said toward many of Tasmania’s past and present legal professionals, only a mother could love these word-twisters.
This same applies when counsel is sought from out of this State to act on behalf of their client but are already in league against their client.
(As per the case of Suzi Burge and the duplicities extant between the contesting parties.)
The judge who sat on the bench that day happened to be a rarely called “Associate Judge” who was keenly inclined to have the CBA defence counsel better interpret the compelling factors being considered by them against the client, rather than seek any clarifying advices in the consideration toward the wronged victim (Ms Suzi Burge.)
Please note: This above accords with the case transcript of this particular case-sitting here in Tasmania.
In both the above case hearings there was no scent of the bona fide fair and just carriage of the law here in Tasmania.
Then there are other objectionable instances of how this State champions its own nefarious doings that have had their detrimental effect on resident persons.
I offer the fact that I have closely examined the necessary evidence provided that will show just how markedly contestable these events could be decided upon in this State, but not so if heard eternal to this Tasmanian State as the decision handed down may not at all be favourable to this State’s government ministers and or certain individuals within this State government and their appointed hierarchy.
Lynne Newington
March 5, 2017 at 14:59
A pitiful sight altogether, especially when you see dirty deeds when expedient tucked away in the archives of the Age relating to the millions owed to the same bank by Paul Keating’s piggery business partner effectively wiped off…..
The Age Monday 22/3/99
Tony Wright.
Keating accused on piggery deal
Herald Sun 24/7/2001
Andrew Probin
Pig papers payment row.
Allan ritchie
March 11, 2017 at 20:23
again Im slow itll take me a while to understand all this but I had a case against CBA Enmore myself at FOS and the manager and a staff member their completelly lied about what occured and another CBA staff member in their Customer relations section also lied and I had this Fillipini in that matter too so nothing could surprise me
Claire Gilmour
March 12, 2017 at 19:35
Looking for information technology experts and programmers to help develop new app. Accounting/banking background preferred, but not essential. A desire to help the under privileged and those screwed by banking system essential.
Please send details to [email protected].
Allan ritchie
March 13, 2017 at 13:34
Im not sure if 40 was a reply to me or generally but I lost 131000 while sitting in the managers office at CBA xxx what happened is a con man actually at least in effect got aided by the manager here as the con was pulled off while I was sitting in the managers office she got a form from him, filled it in and just got me to put my name on the form I didnt sign it but apparently these days these things dont require signature but shed later deny talking to this aman on the phone or getting form for me according to her I arrive with the form and they just sent money at counter anyone can see the managers writing is all over the form however FOS didnt even comment on such they just accepted her version because some other bloke who I didnt even see that day supported it and claimed to of been there at time
Claire Gilmour
March 14, 2017 at 11:38
#40, my comment wasn’t directed at you personally. It’s precisely as reads … without giving my ideas away entirely … a double check app for bank customers to use. As obviously one is required. I’ve had an IT company from India contact me re an ad post I put on facebook, but of course I’ll have to be very prudent. Will have to see what pans out.
March 14, 2017 at 19:10
#40 & 42 Claire, any help you need let me know. I am trying to get things out there through my CBA Facebook page. Any tips on where people can go or what they can do, I try and share.
People need to be able to deal with these issues without the expense of the Courts and of course the bias of FOS.
The Judicial system is failing badly.
#39 & 41 Allan, Stay strong, we are working on change for the better
#37 William, I know you have read the transcripts of my case and know how wrong all this has been. Your help has been invaluable and in exposing certain key players for what they really were. For that I will be forever truly grateful
Paul Tapp
March 15, 2017 at 08:22
It’s good to see so many who have been stung by banks and the so-called justice system, coming out in support of you Suzi. The Tasmanian Times fills the void that mainstream media, through tight budgets and limited staff numbers simply cannot. In many respects you have raised the bar of revelations on banks, business and bastards, to make people be more cautious in their dealings with icons of PR we are curated to trust. Ministerial staff will be reading this Suzi, so it’s ‘out there’. Let’s hope you have your day … and your say… in a court that listens to the people and not to ‘the club’.
William Boeder
March 15, 2017 at 21:18
Thank you Suzi for accepting my helpful thoughts opinions and analysis of the impropriety undertakings also the practices and pursuits of this Bank that are well outside a number of the 25 principles underlying this Bank’s issued Australian Banking Licence.
Not only do I refer to these particular licence matters but there are also the many in number of breaches to this same Bank’s Codes of Conduct by their many and varied departments.
When Australia’s largest financial services corporate can run their own race with little regulatory intervention from our Federal government, this bodes evil for Australia and its people.
Then that this same government does not have the slightest interest in coming to the aid of the many people caught in this customer plight where a great many people are financially penalized with an unfair set of fees and a bias that has Australia’s Banks interests accorded special privilege over and above the common values of Australia, this too bodes evil for Australia and its people.
That this particular Bank do appear to have their assumed Banking law hold some sort of convincing sway over and above the common laws and common good of the Australian people, then this also bodes evil for Australia and its people.
As an example if I may quote of a situation before the lid was dynamited off the CBA Financial Advisory Division shakedowns that were published in the daily press, as an afterthought matter by the extraordinary disclosures of Mr Jeff Morris.
The very fact that “the CBA Bank had engaged personnel from the ASIC regulatory Authority to begin a tidy up of a great many customer loan applications” and whatever the various other documents that form their part in the assembly of the Financial Advisory Divisions quantum of documentation, (then that this is an item that has not been contested by the hubristic executive hierarchy of this scandal ridden Bank.
The link below refers to just a portion of this Banks many defalcations.
Mike Adams
April 8, 2017 at 15:37
On a more humdrum note the probability of parking meter fines whilst the queues in local banks patiently ( and I dunno why) wait for their turn with the, usually just two, tellers emphasises the banks’ devotion to scraping barrels as compared to serving customers
If Coles can shout its intention to staff all checkouts, even if just for a Saturday, surely banks could copy?
Allan ritchie
April 8, 2017 at 21:27
dont know what URL means I had my mothers inheritance taken from me via a trio Stephen Silver of Canaccord genuity David breeze BPH Energy including a CBA bank manager sadly but the whole thing would of failed to occur if only the CBA Bank manager had given me the most basic information instead of rushing to Assist the other two why was this manager involving herself in something nothing to do with CBA anyway
William Boeder
April 8, 2017 at 23:08
#47. Hello Allan, would you like to send your email address to [email protected] I can offer to investigate the loss of your inheritance providing you have some details available that may aid you, “importantly” at no cost to yourself?
Christopher Eastman-Nagle
April 14, 2017 at 03:18
While banks have been getting themselves something of a dodgy reputation across the board, Suzi’s particular story is also a timely reminder that if a financial product is not straightforward and the prospective buyer is not financially savvy, they need independent advice.
A domestic mortgage is pretty straight forward and relatively simple. But once you go into commercial loans and ‘sophisticated’ financial structures, you really need to know what you are doing.
The loans officers have quotas to meet and they are not there so much to look after the customers’ interests, as the bank’s. For them it is always a balancing act that sometimes involves going as close as possible to the edge of sustainability, to get the most profitable business in. And they’ll stitch you up if you let them.
Caveat emptor folks. This is an environment where sharks are known to lurk. Do not take ‘friendly service’ on face value, especially when the other side potentially has your ‘soft and vulnerables’ in a vice if things do not ‘go to plan’.
Suzi’s story is a salutary one. Banks are very powerful institutions and when things are good, it’s good, empowering all round and everyone makes money. And when they aren’t, they hang on to theirs by picking over the financial corpses of their defalcating customers, and/or the ones that didn’t read the fine print closely enough, didn’t understand the mechanisms, or the risks they were taking.
That is never a pretty sight…..
Fortunately, most of the time, things don’t end badly. But one’s chances of that are significantly reduced by unbusinesslike, imprudent and unknowledgeable conduct.
Your friendly loans officer is not a friend. He or she is a temporary acquaintance whose business model is upselling you to the max.
That is how it is. Get used to it.
Paul Tapp
April 14, 2017 at 14:52
I remember an elephant strutting about on a TV screen, with the Commonwealth Bank trumpeting something that resonates as universal trust in a bank that is the symbol of everything trustworthy in Australia. In Suzie’s case such advertising goes beyond hype and becomes downright subterfuge. By now I would have expected this article and comments to have trickle-fed into the collective conscience of those more entrusted than banks to flag Suzie’s case into the hallowed halls of Parliament. But being a PR man for big bizzo at one point in my ‘way up’ I quickly learned that only the bravest of politicians eg Peg Putt will use parliamentary privilege to raise such matters as Suzie’s in the public interest. Final Comment by Chris @ 49, tells it as it is. Let’s extend that piece of pragmatic advice into the reality of Corporate PR. Here’s how it works. (taking a break as my wife sends a couple of door-knocking colporteurs on their way). The bigger the public image, the bigger the budget to keep it shiny. Corporate PR is really the biggest smoke and mirrors show on earth and victims as Suzie won’t get a run in mainstream media unless parliamentary or court privilege can circumvent libel prosecution. But these comments should by now have raised the bar of public expectation of fair-play for Suzie and so many others whose natural expectations of PR glossed bankers who send ordinary people to the brink. It only takes one bold (non-party of course) politician to stand with a handful of Tas Times papers on this issue to get some pretty good headlines. “Mr or Madam Speaker, I have engaged in some pretty troublesome reading over the past few months of a David and Goliath banking incident that needs looking into. I would like the consent of my parliamentary colleagues to table this matter with a view for at least a cursory inquiry into it. The entire thrust of our justice system is based on thousands of books extolling the virtues of everything we take for granted in democracy, but once in a while a pebble is thrown into the still pond, suggesting that perhaps we revisit some of these publications that give us our degrees, our PhD’s, our knowledge and understanding of what is right and wrong and indeed our places in Parliament. One such publication by two authors, entitled “In Search Of Justice” concludes very aptly in such cases as that of wronged Suzie: “If this book alerts public opinion to demand inquiries and reforms and brings the legal system as a whole more clearly into the area of active public discussion, we shall be doubly satisfied.”
And then, of course, the many contributors to Suzie’s plight can as one single voice, write to the TT, saying, “I rest my case”.
(In Search of Justice,Society and the Legal System, by Brian Abel-Smith and Robert Stevens