Media release – Business Alliance for the Maugean skate, 15 January 2025

Science-based decision required to safeguard skate and Tasmanian brand, says BAM

As Tasmanian businesses vested in brand Tasmania, we are gravely concerned that the plight of the endangered Maugean skate has become a political football. The skate, Tassie businesses and Tasmanians deserve better.

If the high profile Maugean skate goes extinct it will place many Tassie-owned businesses and our Tasmanian economy at risk. An economy built on our world-class tourism, bespoke products and quality artisanal produce, as well as our highly desirable gastronomic and extraordinary nature-based experiences found nowhere else on earth.

“The extinction of this ‘Thylacine of the sea’ could have severe consequences on the Tasmanian brand– nationally and internationally,” said Matt Testoni, Save the Skate campaigner, Environment Tasmania.

The Tasmanian Government’s Brand Tasmania research has found that our state’s unique pristine beauty, and protecting the unusual is deeply important to Tasmanians, mainlanders and international visitors alike.

This same research, in reference to “commentary about the salmon industry”, warns: “Tasmania needs to protect its current pure image: industry advancement poses real potential to damage what makes Tasmania great”.1

In September, we wrote to Environment Minister Plibersek urging her to safeguard the Maugean skate, safeguard the Tasmanian brand and safeguard Tasmanian businesses, jobs, and values.

“Safeguarding the skate requires the Minister to follow the science. The Threatened Species Scientific Committee has identified salmon farming as the primary threat to the skate’s existence and recommended the urgent removal of salmon biomass from the harbour,” said Testoni.

“Right now the Minister needs to make a decision on the future of Macquarie Harbour that is based on science– not politics,” said Testoni.

Media release – Nick McKim, Greens Senator for Tasmania, 15 January 2025

Labor needs to come clean about salmon farms

Labor needs to come clean about its intentions for the polluting salmon farms that are driving the Maugean skate to extinction, the Greens say.

“Prime Minister Albanese needs to come clean here,” Greens Senator for Tasmania Senator Nick McKim said.

“Is he going to keep backing the profits of foreign fish farm corporations or will he take action to protect the Maugean skate from extinction?”

“The EPBC Act isn’t fit for purpose but not for the Prime Minister’s stated reasons. The reason it’s not fit for purpose is that it doesn’t protect the environment.”

“Labor cannot continue to walk both sides of the street. The science is in and salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour is driving the skate to extinction.”

“Labor can either continue defending foreign corporate profits, or they can act to protect the Macquarie Harbour ecosystem and save an iconic Tasmanian fish species from extinction.”

Media release – Bob Brown Foundation, 15 January 2025

Prime Minister Albanese continues leave the Maugean Skate at risk of extinction, despite promise.

Today, the Prime Minister has once again chosen to completely ignore the environment and a creature at risk of extinction during his visit and comments in Devonport.

The Bob Brown Foundation is calling on the Albanese government to follow the law and remove fish farms from Macquarie Harbour without further delay.

“Every time the Prime Minister visits Tasmania without announcing the removal of fish farms from Macquarie Harbour, he comes one step closer to breaking his government’s promise of no new extinctions on their watch,” said Alistair Allan, Antarctic and Marine Campaigner at the Bob Brown Foundation.

“All around Tasmania, industrial fish farms are on the nose with the Tasmanian public. Yet the Prime Minister is so beholden to the massive multinational corporations that own these factory farms of the sea, he continues to ignore the environmental and community impacts of industrial fish farming in Tasmania.”

“It’s been over a year since we called on Tanya Plibersek and the Albanese government to revoke the approval of factory fish farms in Macquarie Harbour. Despite piles of scientific evidence on their desks, there is still no decision, which is outrageous. It’s time to get fish farms out now,” said Alistair Allan.