To speak to your younger, more naive self in another, and teach them before they may repeat your mistakes will heal the pain of the past.

One ought to share with the world general wisdom gained from the specific circumstances of His or Her life. The best art comes from the heartbreaks, joys, passions, loves and losses of life. Turn the difficult emotions of your past into something beautiful, complex, deep and ultimately, higher. Transcend your suffering through Love, Mercy, Grace, Faith and Forgiveness. As I have said before, one of the best poetic metaphors I have coined thus far: “Pain and suffering are the seeds of growth, watered by the tears of our Hearts.”

To give wisdom and teach that another may not suffer is perhaps one of the highest expressions of Love there is.

It requires sacrifice. You must give your time, rather than do something you might wish to do in the moment. You will find few things more valuable than mentoring another.

In a world which encourages the following of every impulse and emotion that may arise within us, it is important to teach our children the skill of self-control and artistic expression. Violence and Lust are symptoms of an uneducated mind and an unsupported soul. Love and Art are the way forward.

Violence in words is poetry. The integration of our base impulses, art.

Art is the physical expression of the non-physical. It is the transmutation of emotion, concept, memory or experience into raw beauty. Art serves as the medium between two worlds. An artist, of any kind, stands with one foot in each plane of existence.

Change scares those who remain the same all their lives.

He who does not consider himself as already that which he wishes to be will never become it. You must hold a mental image of the Man you could be, lest you remain the child you are.

If you cannot imagine with the mind’s eye much more than you can see with the mortal eye, you have a very poor imagination indeed.” — William Blake

A Boy make quickly discover as he ages that with the application of some superficial charm, and liquid courage, he may seduce a young, naive woman into sleeping with him. He is a coward, afraid of intimacy, afraid of confronting his own self, and his own darkness. Whether he is 20, 40 or 60, he is still a little boy frightened of his mother. He instead manipulates women to achieve his own selfish desires, he learns that he can still cry for milk, appealing to her sympathy and maternal nurturing instinct, but must do so in a more complex manner. Until he finds an attraction to and desire for a strong, independent and wise Woman, who stands firm in her boundaries, and her values, and has experience with the manipulative and dark nature of Men, and accepts the challenge of earning her respect and partnership, and commits to confront this challenge with honesty, integrity, openness, courage, sacrifice and unconditional Love, he will never be a Man, and will remain a pathetic coward. A crying infant in a grown man’s body, who puts on a feigned smile and laugh.

What you give, must be given without desire to gain. All your efforts must be to uplift yourself and others.

This is the message juveniles of today must hear.

Those who pursue casual meaningless sex based on pleasure and lust, rather than Love and commitment, do so only because they have not experienced the value of meaningful committed sex and intimacy. They will continue to degrade their bodies, minds and souls until there is nothing left of the bright and shining individual they once were. All their artistic abilities and talents will go unrealised and unrecognised. All their ambitions will go unachieved. All their dreams will turn into nightmares. Their health will become diseased. Their energy will be drained.

The root of all problems in the world is a lack of control, and an understanding and mastery of the art of sexual transmutation and creative energy.

No one deserves the bad things that happen to them, and no one entirely causes them, but we all play a part in our own suffering. We all could’ve made better decisions at so many points in our lives. It is better to learn this when you are young. You can avoid your problems through substance use, and you will still have to face them in the morning, or you could spend a long night studying and reflecting, and sorting your life out. You can drink, or you can study. You can party, or you can practice. One lowers your decision-making capabilities and actively harms your life, and one improves your decision-making capabilities, and improves your life. I have learned the dangers of alcohol before ever finding out first hand, because I listen to others, and benefit from the experience of those before me. I know I am lacking knowledge, wisdom and experience.  And so, I am receptive to these things. I look at many of my peers, and see they are not receptive to this. They have not yet recognised their ignorance. And so, while I move forward, they are stuck in the past. Hence why I must connect with those who are dreaming of and working toward a better future, so that we may encourage and support those who are not. All people are needed for what is to come. Not one soul can be spared. Everyone has a unique light to bring, and the world is a little darker for their absence. Don’t kill yourself, find something to live for. Don’t destroy yourself, find something to create.

There are two kinds of confidence. Confidence from Power and Confidence from Competence. One comes from Strength, the other from Knowing. The strong Man who does not educate himself is lost. The educated Man who is not strong is dead. Too many Young and Naive Women fall for lost and dead Men. They have not experienced death. They do not know Man. Likewise, too many Young and Naive Men are dead or lost. They have not experienced rebirth; they do not know Woman. Neither know God, for God is the union between Man and Women. The creator of Life.

“The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind”― William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

The Home must be a place of Order. Nature must be a place of Chaos. Lost are those who do not understand this.

He or She who does not speak equally of both polarities is lost.

There is reality, and there is illusion, and the two mirror one another. As above, so below.

Power is reality, powerlessness is illusion.

Love is reality, hate is illusion.

Pleasure is reality, pain is illusion.

Light is reality, darkness is illusion.

Remove powerlessness and power still remains.

Remove hate and Love still remains.

Remove pain and Pleasure still remains.

Remove darkness, and Light still remains.

All things spring forth from one thing. There is no thing, but one.

The Christian is a weak-minded fool incapable of understanding his own Nature. Those who do not follow Christ call themselves Christian.

The right eye desires to KNOW, the left eye already does.

A genius is simply one who can process two things at once. With your left eye, you see the spiritual, and with your right you see the physical.

A Man’s left hand belongs to God, and his right hand to his Wife.

A refusal to exercise one’s power comes from one simple source. Fear. You do not understand yourself, and so, fear yourself.

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”― T.S. Eliot