Invitation – Friends of Palestine Tasmania, 24 May 2024
How does International Law judge Israel and Palestine?
Prominent human rights lawyer, Chris Sidoti, will be addressing members and supporters of Friends of Palestine Tasmania at its Annual General Meeting tomorrow, Saturday 25 May at 3.15.
Mr Sidoti is internationally recognised for his human rights advocacy. Since July 2021, he has been a Commissioner on the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel.
He is also a member of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar and was a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Independent International Fact Finding Mission on Myanmar from 2017 to 2019.
Mr Sidoti has been Australian Human Rights Commissioner (1995-2000) and Australian Law Reform Commissioner (1992-1995). He has also worked in non-government organisations, including as director of the International Service for Human Rights, based in Geneva, Switzerland, and for the Human Rights Council of Australia and the Australian Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace. He is an adjunct professor at the Australian Catholic University. In 2007-08 he was the independent chair of the United Kingdom Government’s Northern Ireland Bill of Rights Forum.
The Friends of Palestine Tasmania Inc Annual General Meeting will take place at 2.30 pm at the Hobart North Uniting Church (opposite the State Cinema). Mr Sidoti will speak at 3.15. All media are invited to attend. His talk will focus on what international law says about Israel and Palestine.