Media release – Bob Brown Foundation, 13 April 2022


Police have arrived at the Pieman River Blockade and issued move on orders to protestors defending ancient forests from Chinese state-owned MMG’s proposed toxic tailings dam in takayna /Tarkine.

Three arrests are underway as an intense Tasmania Police operation aims to remove the peaceful blockade to the proposed tailings site that is ancient rainforests.

“MMG are ignoring the community and scientific advice and pushing ahead with this toxic, acid producing tailings dam rather than a cleaner, safer paste fill option. They are preparing to destroy 285 hectares of verified National and World Heritage value rainforest and melaleuca forest to save a few dollars. That is the crime being perpetrated here”, said Bob Brown Foundation’s takayna / Tarkine Campaigner Scott Jordan.

“We will not stand by and allow this. I am confident that the Tasmanian community will stand up and join the 72 people arrested last year halting MMG’s illegal construction. MMG need to understand that today’s arrests are merely a starting point, not an end to these protests”.

“People can reach out to Bob Brown Foundation to join our ongoing effort”.

The blockade has held for 102 days this year and hosted over 600 defenders since January 2.

Media release – Cassy O’Connor MP, Tasmanian Greens Leader, 13 April 2022

Rockliff Government Needs to Protect Takayna and Right to Peaceful Protest

Chinese State-owned mining company, MMG, clearly has the backing of the Morrison and Rockliff governments as it moves to poison ancient rainforest on public land in Takayna with a toxic mine dump.

Police have moved in today to arrest gutsy forest defenders who have held the line against this senseless destruction for months.

People from every walk of life, every age and demographic have been so moved by what is at stake that they have decided to defend Takayna bodily, often at personal cost.

Every Tasmanian who understands the need to protect Takayna owes these forest defenders a debt of gratitude.

On behalf of the Tasmanian Greens, I express wholehearted support for the work of the Bob Brown Foundation and its volunteers in protecting this ancient, miraculous landscape and I condemn the actions of MMG, and State and Federal Liberal governments who continue to facilitate the war on Nature.

MMG is delusional if it thinks today’s arrests are the end of it. They most certainly are not.