SEX changes, hermaphrodites, malformed sex organs, feminized males and population crashes! In the early 1990s, scientists around the globe started noticing disturbing physical changes in animals, birds, insects and fish. The males of many species appeared feminised and as a result populations declined drastically. At the same, time there was a steady increase in cancer rates in human populations. Human sperm counts were dropping without explanation. In the 1980s a Danish study showed that the human sperm count had fallen by 50% in just 50 years! (Cadbury, 1997).
Worrying that trends would continue, baffled scientists began to search for a possible cause. Famous researchers, Niels Skakkebaek and John McLachlan proposed that Xenoestrogens were responsible (Cadbury, 1997). Xenoestrogens are oestrogens produced outside the body that can disrupt our hormonal system once ingested. The scientific community embarked upon a series of in-depth and far-reaching studies, and over a number of years have attributed the cause of these problems to a host of synthetically-produced chemicals including pesticides, plastics, PCBs, the Dirty Dozen and herbicides including the triazines. These synthetically manufactured chemicals, mimic oestrogen and as endocrine disruptors, disturb our own body’s chemical processes. Disturbances are sometimes irreversible, producing health effects that can be passed on to the next generation (Rountree, 2009) (Cadbury 1997).
There is a plethora of scientific literature available linking atrazine, one of the triazines, to a wide range of serious environmental and health issues, particularly in aquatic ecosystems. (Suzawa & Ingraham, 2008 ; Wiegand et Al, 2000) Some of these effects include sex reversal and feminisation of males. (Oka et Al, 2008; Shenoy, 2009)
About 50% of breast cancers are sensitive to oestrogen and will grow in their presence. (Cadbury, 1997). As early as 1993, scientists suspected that chemicals like atrazine were responsible for the significant increase in breast cancer. (Davis et Al 1993) In 1997 Kettles et Al, published a paper that showed a relationship between triazine exposure and breast cancer. This illustrates the very serious concern of having an environment contaminated with
chemicals that act like oestrogens.
While the WHO is yet to add atrazine to it’s list of confirmed carcinogens, more than one research paper has noted that, in vivo, atrazine and the triazines have an oestrogenic affect by increasing aromatase production. Atrazine has the potential to promote tumor growth. (Sanderson, 2000; Fan at Al, 2007)
It is very possible that the use of atrazine in Tasmania is one of the causes of high cancer rates in our population. High levels of exposure to atrazine cause birth defects, liver, heart and kidney damage (ATSDR, 2003; Gale, 2010) and long term exposure can lead to a host of commonly-experienced medical problems like Poly Cystic Ovaries, early onset of puberty and low sperm counts.
For aquatic ecosystems, atrazine spells disaster and has been linked to reproductive abnormalities in fish and amphibians and other health problems in clams and shrimp (Suzawa & Ingraham, 2008; Graymore, Stagnitti & Allison, 2001; Lawton et Al, 2006, Phyu, Warne & Lim, 2005; Oulmi, Negele, & Braunbeck, 1994) Tasmania’s economy, including the fishing and tourism industry are at risk from this chemical and there is the potential that millions of dollars of lost profits will result if something is not done to turn things around.
Scientists who have experimented with atrazine have found it can induce changes in parts many times lower than the permitted levels. (Shenoy, 2009) For example, in the US, researchers Flynn and Spellman (2009) noticed that atrazine had an effect on the behaviour on the freshwater muscle species Elliptio complanata. The quantity of atrazine they were using was 30 times less than the legal limited set by the EPA.
The fact that triazines have been recorded in Hobart’s drinking water (Brown, 2009), in streams (Davies, Cook & Barton, 1994) and is still used in swimming pools to reduce fungal growth, should be of serious concern to the Tasmanian community. Health effects can sometimes show up several years after initial exposure to the chemical. Developing foetuses and children are especially at risk, since their endocrine systems are still undergoing development.
Like Rachel Carson, who warned of the potential effects of DDT in the 1960s and who was initially rebuffed by industry, government and scientists alike, Dr Alison Bleaney is warning the Tasmanian community of a very real and serious health threat. Unlike Rachel Carson, who had little other research to go by at the time, Dr Bleaney is backed by a large body of international literature and science that agrees atrazine is of serious health concern.
The fact that the European Union has already banned the use of triazines should spell out in clear and no-uncertain terms that this is a chemical that is not safe to be used. Scientific papers have shown that atrazine in biologically active in parts per trillion in the environment and in humans. If such tiny quantities are ‘active’, it suggests that this chemical is not safe to be used IN ANY quantity. This warrants a complete ban on the use of triazines in our state. If anyone is still in doubt of the potential health threat, it is important to remember that combinations of chemicals interacting in our bodies can often produce unexpected results, ie the toxicity of some chemicals are increased when mixed together. More than one scientific paper has revealed that atrazine has the potential to do just this. (Banks at Al, 2005; Anderson & Zhu, 2003)
To add weight to this argument, commercial applications of atrazine often contain a mix of chemicals that have the potential to be more toxic than atrazine alone due to their mutual interactions. (Zeljezic, Garaj-Vrhovac and Perkovic, 2006) All these chemicals are capable of making their way into drinking water and then into our bodies. Considering the vast array of chemicals that we are bombarded by, it would make sense to minimise exposure to those already known to be toxic, and certainly, to those that are known endocrine disruptors.
The Precautionary Principle is built into Australia’s most important environmental legislation including state and federal laws and is intended to be used as a proactive ‘common-sense’ tool for environmental decision-making. (Bates, 2006)
It makes logical sense to err of the side of caution when dealing with potentially damaging chemicals. The whole point of The Precautionary Principle is to proceed with caution where there is scientific uncertainty. This uncertainty should not be used as an excuse to continue gung-ho, business-as usual, but to stop and review practices and possible alternatives to a potentially damaging practice.
Such an approach could save millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money for an expensive clean-up operations and excess health bills in an old-fashioned reactionary approach to the problem. Tasmania should be leading the world in best-practice environmental decision-making. Instead it is lagging behind, in ignorance-is-bliss.
Such attitudes have resulted in some of the world’s worst environmental disasters including widespread spraying of DDT in the 1960s and 1970s, the endosulfan tragedy in Kerala, India, the Minamata bay disaster in Japan, the Banqiao dam disaster in China and countless others -It would be a shame if the same thing were to happen to our beautiful, clean, green Tasmania.
Unlike DDT, and some of the Persistant Organic Pollutants, (POPs), atrazine breaks down relatively quickly in the environment, so the good news is, if we ban it now, we will be able to stop it’s devastating effects in the future.
The fear of change and the financial loss in a switch to more sustainable practices, is no doubt the reason behind industry’s reluctance to address the issue. There are plenty of best-practice alternatives, including impilementation of different forestry methods. These would involve a significant shift from current methodology – something which the government should encourage as part of Tasmania’s sustainable development strategy.
Research into low-cost methods available for removal of atrazine from drinking water, have suggested the use of polycation-clay composites (Zadaka, 2009) or covalent bonding to piperazine functionalised HIPEs. (Pulko, Kolar and Krajne, 2007). This provides hope of a solution to the contamination.
It is important to remain solution-oriented in the approach to this issue. Rather than arguing over the particulars of toxicity and grey areas of so-called scientific fact, it would be more beneficial for all stakeholders involved if we worked on effective implementation of sustainable outcomes and a Triazine-free Tasmania.
© Malini Alexander March 16 2010
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Dr Barry Tomkins
March 24, 2010 at 11:55
Dr Bleaney: How many times do I have to point out that in the Tasmanian DPIW water testing, there have been only 4 detections of atrazine in the Baseline Monitoring Program on over 50 rivers, the most recent of which was a TD (Trace Detection) in January this year, and the next previous was in July 2007. One of the 3 measurable detections was below the Guideline Value of 0.1 ppb, the others as I recall slightly above, but way below the Health Level Value of 40 ppb. There have been no detections in the Flood Monitoring Program on 4 rivers. Yes, there is a detection at Port Arthur in ground water.
Forestry has effectively ceased using it in Tasmania. Its main use in plantation establishment is in SA and NSW.
It is registered for use in potatoes, millet, wheat, barley and of course canola, all of which are grown in Tasmania.
Before whipping up fear should we not wait until the US EPA have completed their review?
And what of MCPA used in agriculture with over 140 detections plus many TD’s? – with a highest level of 9 ppb?
It seems to me that you are obsessed with atrazine and its alleged effects.
Dr Barry Tomkins
Gerry Mander
March 24, 2010 at 14:23
“How many times do I have to point out that in the Tasmanian DPIW water testing, there have been only 4 detections of atrazine in the Baseline Monitoring Program ….?”
If this is the case, firstly DPIW are not doing enough testing, and secondly, there appears to be a great willingness to either suppress or distort the facts in favour of the timber industry, Gunns or political expediency.
As you yourself seem to be the only ‘authority’ that is totally rooting for the chemical industry and their products, I for one, would be highly suspicious of your pronouncements, especially after the evidence of distortion of scientific data revealed in reports emanating from America and concerning the lobbying of the manufacturing firms to have these substances declared harmless and also to suppress true independent analysis.
I do not believe that these chemicals are harmless, even at miniscule detection levels, and to deny the evidence of cancers and other diseases, and to state that this is normal is unacceptable. This is particularly so in my own case, where I have suffered from a rare and disabling nervous disorder which left me partially paralysed for a year, and where several eminent specialists could find no obvious cause.
It has been a long held theory of mine that there may also be a strong correlation between the gender-bending effects of atrazine and similar chemicals and the explosion of gay people who have emerged from the closet in the last twenty to thirty or so years? If these chemicals synthesize the effects of oestrogen, and are fairly stable in composition, the effects on a newly formed embryo in the womb maybe to confuse the natural gender selection process and instead result in a compromise that can see traits of both sexes present in the same body?
Dr Tomkins precursory dismissals of these criticisms and the unwillingness to consider the mountain of contrary evidence convinces me … that his attitude is more that ‘my mind is made up – what evidence can I find that will support my opinions?’
Einstein made the following profound observation:-
“…the scientist makes use of a whole arsenal of concepts which he imbibed practically with his mother’s milk; and seldom if ever is he aware of the eternally problematic character of his concepts. He uses this conceptual material, or, speaking more exactly, these conceptual tools of thought, as something obviously, immutably given; something having an objective value of truth which is hardly even, and in any case not seriously, to be doubted.
…in the interests of science it is necessary over and over again to engage in the critique of these fundamental concepts, in order that we may not unconsciously be ruled by them.”
Shane Weatherall
March 24, 2010 at 14:50
Alison / Malini
I think it inappropriate for you to single out the forestry industry in this case, without presenting the facts with respect to how much Atrazine is used by the forestry industry in Tasmania. Such false and improper accusations simply cause division and I do not think that you are trying to do this. However, this is the impression that you will be creating. My view is that change only occurs with co-operation and instead you are being devisive.
I have researched the current use of Atrazine in the forest industry in Tasmania, and it was a simple process to undertake. Gunns and Forestry Tasmania do not use it. It seems that FEA does to a small degree, Timberlands do not.
By far the major users are growers of corn and other agricultural crops.
It may be sensible for you to correct the article, unless of course you have different objectives.
Jo Walsh
March 24, 2010 at 15:29
You should stick to your fantasies at Auroville – Tasmania is the real world.
March 24, 2010 at 21:44
Mr Jo Walsh
Auroville is underwhelming in comparison to the rest of India
You forgot to mention Africa, China, the USA, Australia and Scotland.
Oh, and the fact that I have a degree in chemistry and a masters in environmental management.
Shows, you don’t know that much about me eh?
Malini Alexander
March 24, 2010 at 21:48
Hi Shane
You are absolutely right… I will make these changes
Dr Barry Tomkins
March 24, 2010 at 22:39
Re #3 & #6: Shane and Malini: Thank you both for your intelligent approach. By the way, Norske Skog who grow Radiata pine also do not use atrazine.
Dr Barry Tomkins
March 24, 2010 at 23:46
Love, I said pet, I said Love, if it ’twere banned here like it is in Europe then ‘twouldn’t matter who was loading the chopper.
Dr Bleaney has never said forestry is the only user. Anyway, didn’t FT put a voluntary ban on using it? Her point is that no one should be using it. We care not whether it’s potato or tree growers: “put the drums down”.
Pete Godfrey
March 25, 2010 at 00:14
Surely all the Triazines should be included, remembering that they persist in wet soils and water much longer than previously thought.
So here is my list it has a little more than 4 detections.
So my list goes like this a little longer than Barry’s list.
2004 Tusons Creek Western Ck Simazine Atrazine
8/2007 Franklin unnamed ck Simazine
1993 Gadds Hill Lorinna Atrazine
1994 Upper Esk Atrazine
1993 Derby Town water Atrazine
1994 Hellyer Simazine
1994 Rubicon river Atrazine
1994 Great Forester River Simazine
1995 Great Forester River Simazine
1994 South George Simazine
1997 West Calder Simazine
2004 Wyena Atrazine
1994 Guide Reservoir Atrazine
7/2006 Rubicon River Simazine and Atrazine
11/2005 South Esk river Simazine
7/2004 West Tamar raw water Simazine
5/2003 West Tamar raw water Simazine
11/2001 Chimney Saddle Treated water Atrazine
7/2007 to 1/2008 Macquarie river Simazine
10/2007 Brumby’s Creek Simazine
9/2006 Derwent River Hobart water Atrazine
9/2006 Liffey River Atrazine
1/2007 Duck River Simazine
7/2006 Jordan River Simazine
11/2007 Duck river MCPA and Atrazine
4/2006 Montague river Simazine
7/2004 to 11/2004 Prosser river Simazine
11/2004 Brushy Plains Rivulet Simazine
11/2004 Tea Tree Rivulet Simazine
2/2004 to 3/2005 Prosser river Simazine
7/2005 Rubicon river Atrazine
9/2005 to 10/2005 Rubicon river Atrazine
Dr Barry Tomkins
March 25, 2010 at 11:37
Re #9: Source of data, please Pete. This data does not appear in the pdf files for the Baseline or Flood Monitoring Programs.
Dr Barry Tomkins
Pete Godfrey
March 25, 2010 at 18:54
Of course the data doesn’t appear on the governments official sites. The information was gained from an FOI request by Tim Morris. Much of the data was inexplicably not reported to the people of Tasmania via the DPIW website, some was from Media Reports most was just kept from us until Tim decided to ask for it all. I am sure that Tim would be glad to give anyone a copy of the data if not I can put it up on the Times.
alison bleaney
March 25, 2010 at 20:54
Recently the issue of atrazine and simazine being found by our group in the sediments from the top of the George River to the Georges Bay was discussed. This was met by the comment from a senior person with much environmental research work under his belt that went something like ‘well, that’s no surprise as atrazine is ubiquitous.’
So, there we have it – and this is our drinking water.
David Obendorf
March 25, 2010 at 23:53
Tasmania has two choices: Chemical Ali (nope) or non-chemical Ali (Go gal!).
Mark Wybourne
March 26, 2010 at 10:50
# 11. Peter – Most of the samples that Mr Morris gave to you are not individual incidents, but follow up testing, all of which came under the national health guidelines.
March 26, 2010 at 22:53
Atrazine and simazine are known to be endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); therefore the national health guideline figures(which do not take toxicity regarding EDCs into account- out-of-date approach and afraid of taking on EDC) are not the most relevant figures here regarding chronic effects for gender bending effects- many of these rivers are our drinking water. Anybody know where the regulators are and why they are sooo quiet on this area; public health where are you?
March 27, 2010 at 20:49
A ‘must hear’ interview on how poor the control of pesticides ‘ atrazine is in Australia…..
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US study questions safety of farm chemical Atrazine
09 March 2010 , 4:01 PM by annie gaffney
Do you remember the story of the two-headed fish that were found in a Noosa fish hatchery more than a year ago now? A government investigation was carried out into whether chemicals commonly used on nearby macadamia nut farms could have been responsible for the fish mutation.
Three chemicals were at play in this case, and one of them – Atrazine, has been the subject of a study out of the University of California. The study involved exposing frogs to low levels of the chemical in concentrations in the range that animals would experience year-round in areas where the herbicide is found. The results are startling, including sex change in the frogs and ultimately chemical castration.
Dr Matt Landos is an independent aquaculture veterinarian who is part of the government taskforce that’s been looking into the two-headed fish found at Noosa. I asked him to explain exactly what the chemical Atrazine actually is?
Download the audio file
The regulatory body responsible for the way chemicals like Atrazine are used is the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority. I asked Dr Simon Cubit from APVMA how well-regulated the use of this chemical is in Australia?
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So how does Queensland effectively enforce the federal regulations set down by APVMA? Ron Glanville is Queensland’s chief vet from Biosecurity Queensland and I asked him to explain the process. I wanted to know firstly who is allowed to buy chemicals like Atrazine?
Download the audio file