Media release – Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union, 15 January 2020
TasNetworks Outsourcing Practices Need Full Review After Serious Safety Incident
The Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union warns that serious safety issues resulting in fire like the
one on Monday are inevitable given TasNetworks continual outsourcing of services.
CEPU State Organiser Lee Archer said that the pole fire at Elderslie on Monday involving subcontractors was nosurprise given the rampant subcontracting out of work by TasNetworks.
“Work on or around poles and wires is high risk work for both workers and communities, and TasNetworks
contracting it out to the cheapest price is a disaster waiting to happen.”
“Thankfully, no one was hurt and the community didn’t suffer irreparable damage this time round, but TasNetworks love affair with outsourcing work will continue to pose a risk to community safety.”
“Every task and job they have outsourced to private industry has been a mess. Such as the outsourcing of
Metering, the clearing of trees and vegetation from around the network, this is a disaster waiting to happen.”
The Union says that TasNetworks is a publicly owned utility and working on the network we own should be
focussed completely on quality work, not speed and lowest cost.
“Outsourcing of jobs and tasks has been getting worse and worse and the company has repeatedly swept
safety issues under the carpet, but they can’t hide a fire caused by explosives.”
“If this was done, like it should have been, by TasNetworks employees, this wouldn’t have happened, due to
their training, systems and knowledge. Subcontract employees on the other hand are often coerced or bullied
into working in unsafe situation by their employer, which we see far too much of.”
“TasNetworks management can’t be trusted to investigate their own dodgy business model, the investigation
into this needs to be completely independent and needs to go further than just this specific incident,” Ms
Archer said.
UFUA Secretary Leigh Hills said “Government Business Enterprises such as TasNetworks has the same
responsibilities as everyone else in our community not to undertake activities that are likely to cause fire on
declared fire ban days.”
Regardless of the rhetoric used, there is no doubt that the blasting caused the pole to break and fall, sparking
the lines that caused the Broadmarsh fire. This could have significant loss of property in particular agricultural
business or life had TFS not thrown everything at the fire.”
“TasNetworks or its subcontractors should now be billed and forced to pay for the cost of the TFS resources.
Media release – David O’Byrne MP, Shadow Minister for Energy, 13 January 2021
Reckless, irresponsible behaviour by TasNetworks demands urgent investigation by Minister
The Gutwein Government must fast-track an investigation into the reckless behaviour by TasNetworks this week that sparked a bushfire when explosives were used during a total fire ban.
Shadow Energy Minister David O’Byrne said it defied belief that the state-owned company or its contractors would undertake such an irresponsible practice and the Minister responsible Guy Barnett needs to act immediately.
A fire that burned through about six hectares of bush at Broadmarsh on Monday was started when explosives were used to excavate rocks.
“This behaviour on a total fire ban day when temperatures reached 37 degrees in an area of high fire risk is beyond negligent,” Mr O’Byrne said.
“Tasmanians and residents of this area are rightfully demanding answers and Mr Barnett should provide them today.
“Fire crews who were already on high alert need similar answers.
“This is the sort of careless behaviour – by a state-owned business that should know better – that places property and lives at risk.
“If safety is TasNetworks highest priority how could this possibly have happened?
“TasNetworks may be contracting out work but they cannot contract out responsibility.
“And Mr Barnett must make sure the riot act is read to those responsible so this is never allowed to happen again.
“As we enter the most dangerous period for bushfires, the government needs to be leading by example not recklessly breaking the rules and it’s not good enough to merely say an investigation is underway.
“Any investigation needs to be immediate, it needs to be taken with the utmost seriousness and this incident cannot be swept under the carpet by this government and this Minister who needs to be giving assurances that such practices will be outlawed and no community will again be put at risk.”