The waiting time to see a gastroenterologist in the public health system in the south of the state is unacceptably long.

Lois Sheridan has been on the waiting list as an urgent patient waiting to get an appointment at the gastroenterology clinic since the 3rd of September 2014.

On the 11th June Ms Sheridan rang again and was informed that while a time frame could not be given for when an appointment might be arranged, there were 488 people in front of her on the list.

“Imagine my shock when hearing this. If and only if they took 2 new patients each week I would still be waiting in four and a half years to receive treatment,” Ms Sheridan said

“It is deplorable that I and others like me have to wait so long for an appointment to be seen by a specialist, let alone any potential treatment be advised.”

Ms Sheridan’s health is not just a matter of priority to her but also to her 22 year old son who has Down Syndrome and relies on Ms Sheridan as his full-time carer.

“The wait for a patient regarded as urgent is 654 days. This is just to have an initial appointment with a specialist to assess future treatment options,” Shadow Health Minister Rebecca White said.

“The wait for someone regarded as semi-urgent is 992 days and for those regarded as non-urgent the wait is 1161 days.

“There are just two FTE specialist gastroenterologists who perform a total of six outpatient clinics a week.

“There is no doubt that the service is chronically under-resourced and the waiting lists will not improve until more staff are employed and more clinics provided.

“The situation needs to be addressed urgently so patients can be seen in a timely manner and get appropriate treatment for their health problems.”
Rebecca White MP Shadow Health Minister